Saturday, September 01, 2007

"Hot Ghetto Mess" gets name change!

The people at BET may have been temporarily insane. To create and name a new show "Hot Ghetto Mess" boarders on suicide. Hell it may be funny or even good show but still. The hypocrisy here is that if a channel other than BET would have tried to do this they would have had hell to pay. The usual cast of characters would have raised hell. It took the sponsors to regain their sanity and begin to pull out before the clowns at BET got a clue and began to spin the story. Be careful the spin may cause dizziness. BET SUCKS! I wonder if the fact that BET is no longer Black owned may have contributed to the insanity. I don't think so! Someone just convinced them that it would be profitable thats all. I would like for someone to say "We just made a mistake". Just once, instead of lie about it.

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