Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Buying IRAQ ???

WOW! The American public has already sent $14 Billion dollars training and Re-building the Iraqi military and $7 Billion a month for the war. We destroyed them in 4 days and now we have been re-building them for more that 2 years now. Come On NOW! Where is this money really going and how long will we allow this to happen? We won WWII in just two years and for a few dollars and a couple of "Food Stamps". What companies or individuals are getting paid and how can I get some? We can train a kid here in 3 months and send him (or her) off to war! The President is now asking for $4 Billion additional dollars to train the Iraqi Military. The Iraqi Military should be some bad ass M' Fer's at that cost. It's like this Administration is at the Strip Club spending the rent money (Our Money). Now we have no money left for the United States. The Gulf Coast will be under water again the next hurricane season be cause we are crying broke and have no money to correct the problem, remember $7 Billion a month. We need that money! The evil fact is that we are spending this money to train the Iraqi military to ensure a certain side wins the up coming Civil War we will leave them with. The government even says that outside agitators only make up 4% of the insurgents force. This means we are fighting Iraqi's not some strange outside terrorist force. The civil war has already started! Iraq is "FUCKED". We are going to leave them with out oil (oil was suppose to pay for this War- Remember) and entrenched in a bloody Civil War for years. We are getting it hard and fast too, this will all cost us trillions of dollars and we will gain nothing in return.

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Blackberry to Shutdown !

RIM may be ordered to shutdown its Crackberry e-mail service. That's not a typo, I said "CRACKBERRY". I spend alot of time in the Airport and I see you crackberry addicts. You walk around aimlessly with that thing held out in front of you oblivious to anything. The worst is when you walk around looking for a signal with that thing out in front of you as if you were checking radiation levels in the area to report back to the EPA. Even worst is when you Crackberry Addicts suddenly stop when you do get a signal even if you plant yourself in the worst possible location ( In front of an on coming train. Well maybe not in the Airport). When that happens others of your kind see your good fortune and gather to join you but you never acknowledge each others presence, not unlike the Afican wildlife at the local watering hole. I'm not mad at you I enjoy it. The truth is I'm concerned for you mental health. If RIM is forced to shutdown its Crackberry e-mail service I could only imagine millions of you aimlessly roaming the streets and scouring the countryside with that thing in front of you like a techno Zombie. If it happens I'm going to walk around and pretend that I'm getting service and watch the addicts come running. Cruel? Maybe, but it would sure be funny. Well I hope the shutdown never happens.

(The Story)

Tuesday, October 25, 2005


This week may be bad for America! We will have indictments coming left and right for the Bush Administration. Delay's campaign finance woes (that may just be the tip of the Iceberg). Lewis Libby's inability to remember what really happened and is now contradicting his testimony. Vice President Cheney's vindictive nature to pay back anyone that refuses to walk in lock step with him. Martha Stewart was put in jail for lying and she was not even under oath. Martha just had an interview and some of these other people were under oath or was allowed to refuse to go under oath. The President refused to answer questions without Cheney with him to tell him what to do. Let's cut to the chase. Delay did it and worst. Libby and Cheney's went after former U.S. Ambassador Joseph Wilson for critiquing the Administrations reason to go to war in Iraq. That's just mean and not a crime! If to punish Mr. Wilson they blew his wife's (Valerie Plame) cover and outted her as a covert CIA agent, that's treason. That puts her life in danger and everyone in the made up undercover company (Brewster-Jennings & Associates) she worked for. I'm sure some of its employees and contacts around the world lost their lives after it were known they were spying. That's not even the worst of it! Wilson was able to determine that the most damming evidence against Saddam (Iraq) was a forgery why couldn't our intelligence agencies do the same? (NSA, CIA and FBI) Or did they? Why did the Bush Administration still use this document and many others? The amazing truth that has been looked over the media and people in the know is afraid to ask (and rightfully so) is who forged these documents and planted them? It seems that Special Counsel Patrick Fitzgerald's criminal investigation will answer that question and if so that man has some pair of BALLS. The way to find out who is behind this is to ask yourself who would benefit from such actions. Someone lied to trick the American people to support an unjust war to the tune of 1 BILLION dollars a day. Tens of Thousands of lives lost and destroyed for what? Saddam had done nothing against the United States and he sits in jail jacked for his oil. On the other hand Osama attacked the United States, boast about it, is held as a hero by millions and we do nothing. We should have used the full might of the United States military and influence to bring Osama to justice but no .......... the oil comes first. We were told that Saddam was an imminent threat and Iraq's oil would finance the war. If the reason to go to war proves to be made up lies this would be an even worst crime than the 911 attacks and committed by our own elected officials. Today 10/25/05 the United States lost it's 2000th soldier to this war. Why? It seems that the Bush Administration created this war in Iraq, created the demons and set the stage. They created the perfect self fulfilling prophecy and still fucked it up. Believe it or not I pray that I am wrong. Let’s not get it twisted! If I came home on day and Bush or one of his cronies were sitting in my living room I would do what we call in my circles “Bitching Up” and deny all I said. You would also hear “Yes Mr. Bush” a thousand times. Oh someone’s at the door ……………… wish me luck! Delete Delete Delete.

Friday, October 21, 2005

Is this a Cruel Joke?

Why is he smiling? This has to be a JOKE! Did Tom Delay consult with the members of the "Queer Eye for the Strait Guy" cast for this photo? This is a Great Mug Shot! I’m sure he had one of the photographers from "America's Top Model" take his Mug Shot. He put Martha Stewart's Mug Shot to shame and where his prison number is. All Mug Shots have a number! What I find strange is that TIME Magazine altered OJ Simpson's photo (Made it darker) to make him seem more menacing. Delay also avoided the "PERP" walk. I’m sure they had his Angel's Wings air brushed out! There's no way this guy could have committed any crimes, he looks like one of the cute "Little Rascals" all grown up. I must admit that I can't see how this little Angel got the nickname "THE HAMMER" but it surely could not have been earned. Just look at him, he's just toooo cute for that. If it had been me I would have been forced to do the "Perp" walk and someone from the K9 unit would have snapped my Mug Shot. That's just one step below the Drivers License photo taker and would not have been so perfect. I just want to pinch his little cheeks. If Delay dose any time I have three tips for him.
1) Everyone knows that you don't drop the soap in the shower.

2) Please don't use the term "You Colored People"
3) If an inmate says "You have a pretty mouth" it's not a compliment and you should begin to repeatedly yell "GUARD" "GUARD" until you are remove from the situation.
I don't wish prison on the cute little fella but we will have to see what crimes he will be convicted of to take a position on that. The simple fact of the matter is most criminals never get convicted of their most terrible crimes. I believe Al Capone and John Gotti got convicted on tax evasion. In New York City some of the worst criminals are initially arrested for jumping turnstiles and parking tickets. This guy is a crook and we may never know the worst of his crimes. The House changed its rules in an attempt to protect him which makes them crooks to. There are many crooks on both sides that are protected and should be run out of office. Just remember that they rob from you! This is your money and not money from some made up country that they continue to rob form. When you fill your car with gas think about that. When you get your heating bills think about that. When you pay your taxes (Which most Corporations in the United States don't do) on April 15th you think about that. College tuition, medical care and so on. Who am I kidding? If Delay gets time he will be put in some Country Club and his quality of living will still eclipse mine ten fold. Only in America! Just something to ponder. Bush has appointed people to hundreds of important and critical jobs. Has he appointed the best this country has to offer? Is it a crime not to do so? Do we the people deserve to be served by the best? Is Miers the best this country has to offer? Is that the correct spelling of Miers last name or is that just how Bush (he's not the brightest bulb on Broadway) spells it and all of the "Yes Men" are affraid to correct him? Last and most important with the character than has been displayed by this administration do you think that the companies that get billions of dollars of our money are the best this country has to offer or are they just friends from Texas like everyone else has been.

Karl Rove be afraid, be very afraid because there is no honor among thieves!

Thursday, September 29, 2005


What's up with Delay? Looks bad to me. Delay basically said in his own defense that he has done nothing that has not been done before. That's not good! That leaves the door open for multiple crimes. Also he said the County District Attorney is on a political witch hunt. He has been on the job for 27yrs. and once prosecuted himself. He has mainly brought cases against democrats because they were in control for so long in the State of Texas. Now the Republicans are in control and guess what .... they will get charged if they break the law. Do you realize that both leaders in both houses in congress have been charged with breaking U.S. law, that's insane. Saadam has to say DAMM !!!!!! when he reads the paper. This party support crap is costing us our country. A crime is a crime is a CRIME! I don't care who committed it. They are all criminals on booth sides, the only difference is that one side cheats you out of your money and the other side hits you over your head turns you upside down and rips the rest from your pockets. They all must go! Anyone holding an elected office from dog catcher to the President of the United States should be voted out of office in all of the next up coming elections. I don't care what kind of job their doing. They are not Gods and you can find another person to do a so so job, it not that hard. We need to do this to show the power of the people. I know some are doing great but they still must go. They are smart and well educated, they will make out better than most of us. We should do this until we get control of our officials and slap them back inline when they stray. Please let's do this!

PS. I think the "HAMMER" gets nailed! (Hopefully not by a cell mate)

Sunday, September 18, 2005

Is This True?

Former U.S. President Bill Clinton broke with tradition and commented on his predecessor. He reportedly made these statements below. If they are true what dose this say about the United States and the place we hold in the world and what we can teach Iraq about starting a new democratic nation? If not true why is he making these statements?

Sun Sep 18, 3:43 PM ET

Former US president Bill Clinton sharply criticised George W. Bush for the Iraq War and the handling of Hurricane Katrina, and voiced alarm at the swelling US budget deficit.

Breaking with tradition under which US presidents mute criticisms of their successors, Clinton said the Bush administration had decided to invade Iraq "virtually alone and before UN inspections were completed, with no real urgency, no evidence that there were weapons of mass destruction."

The Iraq war diverted US attention from the war on terrorism "and undermined the support that we might have had," Bush said in an interview with an ABC's "This Week" programme.

Clinton said there had been a "heroic but so far unsuccessful" effort to put together an constitution that would be universally supported in Iraq.

The US strategy of trying to develop the Iraqi military and police so that they can cope without US support "I think is the best strategy. The problem is we may not have, in the short run, enough troops to do that," said Clinton.

On Hurricane Katrina, Clinton faulted the authorities' failure to evacuate New Orleans ahead of the storm's strike on August 29.

People with cars were able to heed the evacuation order, but many of those who were poor, disabled or elderly were left behind.

"If we really wanted to do it right, we would have had lots of buses lined up to take them out," Clinton.

He agreed that some responsibility for this lay with the local and state authorities, but pointed the finger, without naming him, at the former director of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).

FEMA boss Michael Brown quit in response to criticism of his handling of the Katrina disaster. He was viewed as a political appointee with no experience of disaster management or dealing with government officials.

"When James Lee Witt ran FEMA, because he had been both a local official and a federal official, he was always there early, and we always thought about that," Clinton said, referring to FEMA's head during his 1993-2001 presidency.

"But both of us came out of environments with a disproportionate number of poor people."

On the US budget, Clinton warned that the federal deficit may be coming untenable, driven by foreign wars, the post-hurricane recovery programme and tax cuts that benefitted just the richest one percent of the US population, himself included.

"What Americans need to understand is that ... every single day of the year, our government goes into the market and borrows money from other countries to finance Iraq, Afghanistan, Katrina, and our tax cuts," he said.

"We have never done this before. Never in the history of our republic have we ever financed a conflict, military conflict, by borrowing money from somewhere else."

Clinton added: "We depend on Japan, China, the United Kingdom, Saudi Arabia, and Korea primarily to basically loan us money every day of the year to cover my tax cut and these conflicts and Katrina. I don't think it makes any sense."

Wednesday, August 31, 2005


What the hell happened? Will prayers help? Can money help? Why rebuild? Where's the National Guard? God Bless The U.S. (better yet, The Earth). My problems seem so very small now!

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

No United States Attacks !!!

I'm sure there will be no terrorist attacks in the United States. The attackers seem to be using attacks to influence governments. The Attackers know that the American public has no control over our government, so any attacks would just anger the American public and be to no advantage to them. The Spanish and the British have made their governments pay for supporting the possible illegal war in Iraq. The American public is still hard pressed to believe some of the possible ugly truths about this war on terror and the war in Iraq. The current administration has somehow convinced the American public that Iraq attacked the United States on 9/11. I'm biased on that subject so we won't go therefor now. The problem is that the world sees some of the problems I see and believe our motives in Iraq are suspect. I may be wrong but I believe the attackers know that the world's citizens are more knowledgeable about world events than the American public and will not consider us in their strategy to bring attention to their cause. They also know that the American public would react much different than the Spanish and the British if attacked again on American soil. I hate to say it but a small portion of the American public would go berserk and retaliate against citizens that even resemble anyone of Middle Eastern descent. Businesses would burn and the abuse would not end for a long time. I'm sure the attacks are not dumb and you should not underestimate them, they are very intelligent and calculating. The sad part is that the U.S. Military is attacking the wrong enemy in Iraq. Please let's move away from the free-for-all money grab in Iraq and let's hunt down the real attackers. Sure there will be civil war in Iraq and we did break it but FUCK-It. Iraq bulit the worlds 2nd lagest oil reserves and a great modern culture, let's get out of there and let them rebuild. I think they can do it with out American contracts forced down their throats.

Friday, July 22, 2005

Do Police in London carry guns?

At the risk of sounding grossly uninformed, I would just like to know. For a person to get shot 5 times by London Police who just happened to be carrying guns that day can be seen as a bad luck day. That happening in New York is standard but in London it's news. Well do they? Or don't they? (Normally Carry Guns)

Thursday, July 14, 2005

Stupid Americans

I have been discussing my disappointment with this Bush administration with my co-worker for years. I was not very disappointed when Al Gore was not selected to become president. I listened to the right wing all through the Clinton presidency and they talked a good game so I said what the hell give them a try. Well HELL is what it is. I rant to this co-worked daily. I constantly discuss the Bushco’s cast of liars person by person and their possible motives. He laughs and ask question. On July 11 I explained how Karl Rove saw former U.S. Ambassador Joseph Wilson as get in the way of the Bushco money grab in Iraq and how Rove had his wife (CIA Agent) outted to the press. With out getting deep into that issue we also had a good chuckle about how just before being put into Jail how Robert Novak and others in the 11th hour some how got permission to name their sources for this information. Believe it or not on July 13th this same co-worker walks into the office and asked "Who is Karl Rove?" "Do you know anything about him?" "I have never heard of him?” I was in SHOCK! How can you work with me and not have heard of Karl Rove? I may even talk about the whole Bush administration in my sleep (that may not be normal). Don't get me wrong I don't dislike Rove or anyone in the Bush administration I just disagree with them. I don't even believe they are evil I just believe that they are more concerned about getting what they believe is theirs (The Loot). I have always said that if George W Bush was born poor he would have grown up to be the rap star EMINEN but surly not as clever with the words. The bottom line is that if Karl Rove lied to punish former U.S. Ambassador Joseph Wilson for his opposition to the Bushco un-holy plans, what else he has done. The one act alone is treason and you know the punishment for that. This was a pre-cursor for that lie in Iraq where we lose great people daily who just followed orders and thought they were defending our country. Sorry to say like my co-worker the American people just don't pay attention or they just repeat what someone else told them. As we speak oil pumps out of Iraq un-metered and shipped off to destination unknown. Hell I give up! I want to be rich too, if you can't beat them join them. I'm now down with the program and will soon be getting rich off the blood and sweat of you American losers! Bush is cool he promised a Katrillon dollars (or something close) for African aide in his first administration and some more in his current administration but I can't find where a dime has been given. The truly hilarious thing is that Mr. Bush said at a news conference recently that he would be willing to aid the African countries but he would not be willing to aid CORRUPT ADMINISTRATION. I almost fainted. Now isn’t that the Pot calling the Kettle, hell you know the rest. "STUPID AMERICANS"

Monday, June 27, 2005

Earn $25 - - - NOW !

There is a new company that is accepting
registrations for their
service that is
virtually identical to paypal's. In fact,
they are about to
be the biggest competition
that paypal has ever had! If
you visit GreenZap
and sign up
they will deposit 25 Dollars into your
just for signing up. There is no
personal information required
such as
your banking info etc. Just
1 page where you create a login
and referral
ID so you can make money
when your friends register.
They say you earn from $4 to $30 for
each one that signs up. Do the math.

I accumulated a few bucks and I was giving
them the required info to receive the money,
I said to my self "Self what if this is a Scam"?

I don't believe it is but it would be the
greatest of all time. There I was ready to give
them my bank routing number with out hesitation.
I'm sure hundreds of thousands already have just
for a few bucks. It’s still not a bad deal but
I would request payment by mail just to pay it safe.

Give them a try GreenZap. (My Link is Embedded)

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Jackson "BEAT - IT"

The comments in my last post were very disappointing. The comments pro and con omitted any reference to evidence. Some hoped he was convicted and spent 18 yrs in jail or worst. Some wanted him acquitted with out regarding the possibility that he may be a social predator. I don't get it. We make our political decisions the same way, we draw a line in the sand and will not cross it. Once we do that we close our minds and hearts to any possibility that we may be wrong or there may be a better way. Making an honest mistake dose not make you evil, not making and attempt to correct it just may.

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Will Jackson do time?

This is a hard one for me. I would like to think that no one would hurt a child but we know there are evil animals out there that take delight at doing so. I just don't understand how so called parents and over one hundred staff would over look abuse. Money corrupts both ways, it makes people accuse falsely and it makes people keep their mouths shut. Don't you just love human beings? Someone's lying here but in this day and age the biggest dirtiest lying piece of crap comes out on top. For now!

Sunday, May 29, 2005

The United States - Total Enslavement?

I know it's hard to believe but it can be true. Just remember what you allow to happen to others will soon happen to you. The powers that be will treat U.S. citizens just as they treat the Iraq's if given the chance. They will not have to take our rights but we will willingly give them away, how sad is that. Do you believe that the same leaders that can't stop stealing our money long enough to balance just one Local, State or Federal budget in the nation to safe guard our basic rights, in affect lessening their control. Wake up! View the videos below and you decide. Hopefully I'm wrong.

Friday, May 27, 2005

Clinton /Stewart 2008?

What do you think about Clinton - Stewart 2008. Is Hillary that bad?


Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Which PDA is BEST !

I can't decide. Blackberry, Palm or Windows Ce. I have used the Palm and the Windows and prefer the Palm. The Palm seemed to be more stable and had more applications. Things may have change from three years ago. I'm really thinking about getting the Blackberry because e-mail and internet access are the most important function for me. What do you think?

This maybe the winner!

Thursday, May 19, 2005


I think the Filibuser is great. It has been used by both parties equally for 200 years. I think you should only change the rules when you find a better way not because you are not getting your way. Rules have been change in the Senate, Congress, News media, International Policy and so on for the wong reasons. They all have been change only because someone was not getting their way not because there was a better way! We should all wake up, meet in the middle and do what's best for us all.


Tuesday, May 17, 2005

OIL for FOOD - (Everyone Got Paid)

This is classic. Everyone got in bed with the Devil and got paid. Is Mr. George Galloway the last man on earth with a pair? After seeing his testimony I had to undo the old belt and check for myself. The sad part is that the American people will stay in denial and not hear what he said. We will destroy the whole country before we will simply say I was wrong and our government may be overrun with corruption. There are slimy pieces of crap in our government that count on that and profit from it. This time is some what different because we are killing ten's of thousand and may have tens of thousands of our great young people killed and injured to make a buck for people who have more than they could even need. This is un-American on so many levels. Are we really that vain that we will turn a blind eye and be felt up and raped? Then pretend it never happened just so that we will not have to say we may have put our trust in a few bad apples. I'm finishing a book on the life and time of Alexander Hamilton (That's not the title) and in his time those who so blatantly robbed, stole and killed would be taken out back and shot! That's not the correct action for this day and time but the spirit is correct. We seem to be a Nation of Hippo -Christians and Sheeple. Click the link and then go run and hide...... and the land of the (at one time) BRAVE!

The Link (You Can't Handle The Truth)

The Bush exit Stratergy $$$

Thursday, May 05, 2005

No DELAY - On DeLAY !!!

There is much talk about Tom DeLay. I've read and heard most of it and I'm still not sure where I stand on the matter but I would like to get it over with. Let's get to the bottom of this "PRO" or "CON". What side of the matted do you land on?

Take a stand on DeLAY !!!

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Gates Christens 64-bit Windows, Charts Course For Longhorn

Do we need all of this CRAP ? Having to upgrade to a new operating system every two years is getting old. All most of us do is e-mail, surf the net and chat. I could do that with Windows 98. Well here's the story below, tell what you think ? Will you be first in line ?

Gates Christens 64-bit Windows, Charts Course For Longhorn

Mon Apr 25, 5:04 PM ET
Add to My Yahoo! Technology - TechWeb

SEATTLE -- Microsoft on Monday steered into its third decade of computing, launching 64-bit Windows XP operating systems and providing a glimpse at the next major revision of Windows, code-named Longhorn.

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The setting was the opening of the 14th annual Windows Hardware Engineering Conference, an industry gathering for component and system manufacturers, core logic, consumer electronics and application vendors. In outlining Microsoft's server and client operating system roadmap, Microsoft Chairman and Chief Software Architect Bill Gates not only gave direction to the hardware OEMs but also positioned the vendor against future competitive battles with the likes of Google, Linux and Adobe.

In his keynote address, Gates noted that Windows is about 20 years old, and that DOS and 16-bit computing dominated the first decade, followed by Windows 95 with 32-bit computing. The introduction of 64-bit and multi-core computing will create new inflection points and is the start of the third decade, he said.

"This is the decade where we can have the most impact of all," Gates said. "The pervasiveness of digital approaches. The kind of capabilities that we've finally achieved are things that have been talked about for many decades. It's really common sense now for business to be done in a digital way. Entertainment. Scheduling. Purchasing. The foundation work for the 64-bit addressing and the software runtime that allows you to connect not only a browser to any website but you can connect any piece of software to another piece of software to a website across the Internet. Like those new web services standards that are coming into the platform allowing these news applications. So this is the decade of greatest importance. This is the one of greatest competition, and greatest opportunity. That's why you see us putting in greatest levels of R&D into Windows."

Moving to 64-bit will have many benefits, and it will happen more rapidly than any previous transition, Gates said, noting that 32-bit applications will continue to run on 64-bit Windows machines. There will "dramatic improvement" in Windows Terminal Services with 64-bit, he said. The added memory will make a big difference in Active Directory, in technical computing and gaming, and database applications, he said. Nonetheless, "We will go through a period where Microsoft and others will release both 32- and 64- bit versions of their applications."

A Windows product manager showed a computer animation demonstration, editing on the desktop and rendering on the server, using both 32-bit and 64-bit. The 64-bit significantly had greater color, texture and detail. "The limits of 32-bit have been forcing artists to make compromises," said Microsoft's Jay Kenny.

The specific 64-bit products that Microsoft announced Monday are Windows XP Professional x64 Edition, and Windows Server 2003 x64 for Standard, Enterprise and Datacenter editions.

"We are very proud of this release," Gates said. "It is the base upon which we will build Longhorn."

Microsoft is promising several 64-bit products this year: SQL Server, Visual Studio 2005, Commerce Server 2006, Host Integration Server 2005, Biztalk 2006, and Services for Unix.

For next year, Gates promised a continuing rapid rollout of 64-bit versions including Windows Longhorn Server, Exchange Server 12, Microsoft Operations Manager, Virtual Server v2, and Windows Server "Complete Cluster Edition."

"We're making it standard for us that everything has to be in 64-bit as we get new releases," Gates said.

Longhorn is the next major revision of Windows and it is clearly the company's next huge area of investment. "It's very broad what we are doing," Gates said. "You have to go back to Windows 95 to see the broad set of things we are doing." He praised the new OS' ability to organize information by using transparency and visualization and said it had a beefed up graphics and display infrastructure.

In a demo of Longhorn, a new file type was shown called "live thumbnail icons." These were live snapshots showing the content of folders. Other folders were called "Virtual Folders" because they were dynamic, not static, and could be compiled based on a search metadata keywords.

"Underneath the covers there's a lot going on with Windows, including the new display driver model that enables some of those things we demonstrated," Gates said.

Gates pledged to turn Longhorn, which is still about 18 months from shipping, into its most widely marketed product ever. Longhorn would be the benefit of "more marketing than anything we've done in the past," Gates said. He said there would be an ambitious "Ready for Longhorn" logo program for Microsoft partners, and he urged developers to "start planning now."

In a nod to the hardcore PC hardware enthusiasts in the audience, Gates showed several prototype portable and Tablet PCs, including models from HP, Toshiba and Acer. One new feature he highlighted was an auxiliary display, a small screen that appears on the outside of a laptop and shows simple entries like calendars or e-mail. It's designed to give quick access so the user doesn't have to open and boot up a laptop to retrieve some information.

Gates also showed a paperback-book sized device he called the "Ultra Mobile 2007." Gates described it as costing less than $1,000, weighing less than 2 pounds, and having a camera, phone, music player, and video player. He said it was "complimentary" to a PC, not a replacement for one.

Sponsors of WinHEC represent a wide section of the hardware industry including ATI, Broadcom, HP, Intel, Lexar, SMSC, and VIA Technologies. The conference, at the Washington State Convention and Trade Center about 25 miles West of Microsoft's ever-expanding headquarters in Redmond, Wash., continues through Wednesday and includes scores of technical tracks. Among the high-level sessions are those with titles such as "Redefining the PC Opportunity," "Connectivity and the Future of Computing," Trends and opportunities in for Tomorrow's PCs." There were 2,625 attendees, representing 500 companies and 42 countries.

"Ultimately, these foundation advances will end up helping customers," said Marshall Brumer, director of Microsoft's Windows hardware platform evangelism. "This is our opportunity to work together and partner and look to the future."

Saturday, April 23, 2005

Christian Taliban ?

What the HELL (And I do mean HELL) is going on here. This can't be right. Seperation of Church and State ? The story below.

2 Evangelicals Want to Strip Courts' Funds

By Peter Wallsten Times Staff Writer

WASHINGTON — Evangelical Christian leaders, who have been working closely with senior Republican lawmakers to place conservative judges in the federal courts, have also been exploring ways to punish sitting jurists and even entire courts viewed as hostile to their cause.

An audio recording obtained by the Los Angeles Times features two of the nation's most influential evangelical leaders, at a private conference with supporters, laying out strategies to rein in judges, such as stripping funding from their courts in an effort to hinder their work.
The discussion took place during a Washington conference last month that included addresses by House Majority Leader Tom DeLay and Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist, who discussed efforts to bring a more conservative cast to the courts.
Frist and DeLay have not publicly endorsed the evangelical groups' proposed actions. But the taped discussion among evangelical leaders provides a glimpse of the road map they are drafting as they work with congressional Republicans to achieve a judiciary that sides with them on abortion, same-sex marriage and other elements of their agenda.
"There's more than one way to skin a cat, and there's more than one way to take a black robe off the bench," said Tony Perkins, president of the conservative Family Research Council, according to an audiotape of a March 17 session. The tape was provided to The Times by the advocacy group Americans United for Separation of Church and State.
DeLay has spoken generally about one of the ideas the leaders discussed in greater detail: using legislative tactics to withhold money from courts.
"We set up the courts. We can unset the courts. We have the power of the purse," DeLay said at an April 13 question-and-answer session with reporters.
The leaders present at the March conference, including Perkins and James C. Dobson, founder of the influential group Focus on the Family, have been working with Frist to eliminate the filibuster for judicial nominations, a legislative tool that has allowed Senate Democrats to stall 10 of President Bush's nominations. Frist is scheduled to appear, via a taped statement, during a satellite broadcast to churches nationwide Sunday that the Family Research Council has organized to build support for the Bush nominees.
The March conference featuring Dobson and Perkins showed that the evangelical leaders, in addition to working to place conservative nominees on the bench, have been trying to find ways to remove certain judges.
Perkins said that he had attended a meeting with congressional leaders a week earlier where the strategy of stripping funding from certain courts was "prominently" discussed. "What they're thinking of is not only the fact of just making these courts go away and re-creating them the next day but also defunding them," Perkins said.
He said that instead of undertaking the long process of trying to impeach judges, Congress could use its appropriations authority to "just take away the bench, all of his staff, and he's just sitting out there with nothing to do."
These curbs on courts are "on the radar screen, especially of conservatives here in Congress," he said.
Dobson, who emerged last year as one of the evangelical movement's most important political leaders, named one potential target: the California-based U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals.
"Very few people know this, that the Congress can simply disenfranchise a court," Dobson said. "They don't have to fire anybody or impeach them or go through that battle. All they have to do is say the 9th Circuit doesn't exist anymore, and it's gone."
Robert Stevenson, a spokesman for Frist, said Thursday that the Senate leader does not agree with the idea of defunding courts or shutting them down, pointing to Frist's comments earlier this month embracing a "fair and independent judiciary." A spokesman for DeLay declined to comment.
The remarks by Perkins and Dobson drew fire from Barry W. Lynn, executive director of Americans United for Separation of Church and State, who charged that the two leaders were more brazen in such private encounters with supporters than their more genteel public images portray.
"To talk about defunding judges is just about the most bizarre, radical approach to controlling the outcome of court decisions that you can imagine," Lynn said.

Frist is expected to try as early as next week to push the Senate to ban filibusters on judicial nominations — a move so explosive that Democrats are calling it the "nuclear option."
Democrats have been using the filibuster to block 10 of Bush's appeals court nominees who they believe are too extreme in their views, but the skirmishes are considered a preview of a highly anticipated fight over replacing the ailing Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist, whose retirement is considered imminent.
"Folks, I am telling you all that it is going to be the mother of all battles," Dobson predicted at the March 17 meeting. "And it's right around the corner. I mean, Justice Rehnquist could resign at any time, and the other side is mobilized to the teeth."
The remarks by Perkins and Dobson reflect the passion felt by Christians who helped fuel Bush's reelection last year with massive turnout in battleground states, and who also spurred Republican gains in the Senate and House.
Claiming a role by the movement in the GOP gains, Dobson concluded: "We've got a right to hold them accountable for what happens here."
Both leaders chastised what Perkins termed "squishy" and "weak" Republican senators who have not wholeheartedly endorsed ending Democrats' power to filibuster judicial nominees. They said these included moderates such as Sens. Olympia J. Snowe and Susan Collins of Maine, Lincoln Chafee of Rhode Island, Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania and Chuck Hagel of Nebraska. They also grumbled that Sens. Mitch McConnell of Kentucky and George Allen of Virginia needed prodding.
"We need to shake these guys up," Perkins said.
Said Dobson: "Sometimes it's just amazing to me that they seem to forget how they got here."
Even Bush was not spared criticism. Dobson and Perkins encouraged their supporters to demand that the president act as aggressively on the judiciary as he has for his Social Security overhaul.
"These are not Bill Frist's nominees; these are President George W. Bush's nominees," Perkins said. "He needs to be out there putting pressure on these senators who are weak on this issue and standing in obstruction to these nominations," he said.
Dobson chided Frist, a likely 2008 presidential contender, for not acting sooner on the filibuster issue, urging "conservatives all over the country" to tell Frist "that he needs to get on with it."
Dobson also said Republicans risked inflicting long-term damage on their party if they failed to seize the moment — a time when Bush still has the momentum of his reelection victory — to transform the courts. He said they had just 18 months to act before Bush becomes a "lame-duck president."
"If we let that 18 months get away from us and then maybe we got Hillary to deal with or who knows what, we absolutely will not recover from that," he said.
Perkins and Dobson laid out a history of court rulings they found offensive, singling out the recent finding by the Supreme Court that executing minors was unconstitutional. They criticized Justice Anthony M. Kennedy's majority opinion, noting that the Republican appointee had cited the laws of foreign nations that, Dobson said, applied the same standard as "the most liberal countries in Europe."
"What about Latin America, South America, Central America? What about China? What about Africa?" Dobson asked. "They pick and choose the international law that they want and then apply it here as though we're somehow accountable to Europe. I resent that greatly."
DeLay has also criticized Kennedy for citing foreign laws in that opinion, calling the practice "outrageous."
As part of the discussion, Perkins and Dobson referred to remarks by Dobson earlier this year at a congressional dinner in which he singled out the use by one group of the cartoon character SpongeBob SquarePants in a video that Dobson said promoted a homosexual agenda.
Dobson was ridiculed for his comments, which some critics interpreted to mean the evangelist had determined that the cartoon character was gay.
Dobson said the beating he took in the media, coming after his appearance on the cover of newsmagazines hailing his prominence in Bush's reelection, proved that the press will only seek to tear him down.
"This will not be the last thing that you read about that makes me look ridiculous," he said.

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Tuesday, April 19, 2005

The New Pope ?

What's up with the Roman Catholic Church? I feel a little funny waiting everyday for "Smoke Signals". Would it be possible to send me an e-mail or hold a Press Conference when the new Pope is selected ? I mean this is the year 2005. I don't want to cause a trouble or anything. That do you think ?

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Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Detainee Deaths Homicide !

What in hell is going on? 18 Saudi Nationals hi-jack planes and destroy buildings in the United States. Those building were a towering fixture out side of my window and I miss seeing them.The lives lost is a travesty that will remain with me for the rest of my life. With that in mind I have always had a problem with our response. I must say that I really don't believe in War but I also believe it has its purpose. When War is necessary I feel you destroy the enemy and everything that moves. I feel that Military personnel being killed not doing that is a miss use.

- Why did we invade Iraq when we know Saudi nationals attacked us?
- Why are 10's of thousands Iraqi's being killed?
- Why are thousands of our troops being killed and disfigured physically and mentally?
- Why are these detainee's meeting horrible deaths with out a hint of a fair trial? -Why are members of the greatest fighting force that ever walked the earth dying trying to secure profits instead of destroying the enemy?
- Why are the Saudi’s still our fiend?
- Why is Osama still free?

I hope it's not as bad as it looks. How much is it going to cost us not to bring the people that attacked us to Justice? My son is 11 yrs old and can't wait to get into the mix. What about your child ?

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Social Security Reform - SCAM !!!

I hope you young people don't fall for the "No Stock Broker Left behind Plan". I have to give it to this Administration; they are relentless with their support for big business. Social Security is strong and will be for the next fifty years. We can't look down the road for the next 10 years with any degree of certainty let alone for the next fifty years. Look at how the internet and technology has changed our existence in the past ten years. Who knows what's on the horizon. This drastic change in Social Security is sinister. Young people will lose tons of money in 2% transaction fees alone even if the stock does well. Will there be 3% transaction fees for every weekly transaction or will they get a 1% discount. How do I get a cut of this un-holy plot? The real windfall for big business in this plot is still to come. This is not the real reward and focus of the Administration; it's more evil than that. They can just taste the next windfall, it's that close. Before I bring what I think the real focus is I just want you to be aware of why they are going to fight very hard and dirty. If we infuse Big Business with billions of our tax dollars and transaction fees this will create a conflict of interest that will be written about and studied for the next thousand years. It would make it virtually impossible for these young people to support laws that will affect these companies in a negative way. It will be very difficult for these companies to be controlled on environmental and social responsibility issues. Even if you have a less than vivid imagination you should be able to see the problem here. Who will support a law maker that just adversely affected your retirement? How would the Tobacco industry would have been treated in this atmospheer. Scary!