Thursday, May 19, 2005


I think the Filibuser is great. It has been used by both parties equally for 200 years. I think you should only change the rules when you find a better way not because you are not getting your way. Rules have been change in the Senate, Congress, News media, International Policy and so on for the wong reasons. They all have been change only because someone was not getting their way not because there was a better way! We should all wake up, meet in the middle and do what's best for us all.



Aggressive-Voice said...

Cherish it while it lasts because it's not going to be around much longer!!

May we get past liberal nonsense and put some "ultra conservative" right wing" judges on the bench.

Unknown said...

Here, here. Just because you don't like a judge's decision doesn't make them activist.

Tony W said...

I agree Windspike! Tom Delay had very strong words for the judges in the Terri Schiavo case. I believe they were threats.

Chris Woods said...

Thank God for moderate Republicans who don't cave to the radical right-wing of their party like their majority leader did.

Long live the filibuster and the Republic!

Tony W said...

Sorry ..... I stand almost corrected. Henry Clay, in 1841, gave what is considered to be the first filibuster speech. As the debate over the slavery issue. That makes it 164 years. That changes everything.