Friday, May 27, 2005

Clinton /Stewart 2008?

What do you think about Clinton - Stewart 2008. Is Hillary that bad?



Atomic Lib Smasher said...

So if Hillary is elected in '08, does that mean that Martha is going to hand make the basket our country will be going to hell in? LOL

Tony W said...

Skizz.........If you haven't noticed we are on the "Express elevator to HELL" already!

Anonymous said...

hey tony w you are a fucking dumbshit. bush rocks and hillary sucks my cock, while bill gets a blowjob by your mom

Get it?
I get it?

Tony W said...

Anonymous. We know it's you Mr. Bush. they say "When Clinton lied no one died". Me and the world miss him so much, the world was a better place back then. Good luck Mr. President!

profmarcus said...

you go, guy...! hillary wouldn't be my first choice but, i must admit, she has a lot more to offer than the rest of the crowd - except dean... dean inspires me because, for the first time in my 57 years, i see a genuine human being reflected there, unafraid to show himself and be vulnerable...

as a closing comment regarding "anonymous," i really admire the high level of discourse he brought to your blog... i hope he visits again and i would be happy to have him over to my place for a little spirited chat...

Anonymous said...

As somene said earlier, the world was a better place with Clinton at the helm. From a European perspective, anyone would be better than Bush, and I think most Europeans would be happy to see Hillary as President.