Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Will Jackson do time?

This is a hard one for me. I would like to think that no one would hurt a child but we know there are evil animals out there that take delight at doing so. I just don't understand how so called parents and over one hundred staff would over look abuse. Money corrupts both ways, it makes people accuse falsely and it makes people keep their mouths shut. Don't you just love human beings? Someone's lying here but in this day and age the biggest dirtiest lying piece of crap comes out on top. For now!


Anonymous said...

he will go down for something l think....l hope more then l can we all can hope for.

Anonymous said...

well i think he won't be jailed... just a matter of money as you said...

Trudging said...

No he won't do jail time.

Trudging said...

No he won't do jail time.

Wes said...

One can only hope

Amal said...

One hopes justice will prevail as opposed to money.

James Shott said...

He's obviously guilty of some bad things. I don't think he would survive a prison term, but I think that's what he deserves.

My prediction, guilty on a few charges, but not all of them.