Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Stay of execution angers slain cop's family

Troy Antony Davis gets a stay of execution. I find this case fascinating. It looks like almost 20yrs ago Davis intervened in the beating of an older woman. When the police arrived an officer was shot and killed. It is also said that later the person that attacked the woman was seen riding around with the police looking for the shooter. I found some statements from the Davis web site disturbing. I realize that these statements could be biased but it they are true this case becomes scary:

"Shortly after Davis landed on death row, the Georgia Resource Center - which defended death row inmates - took a huge hit in funding at a crucial time for his case. He had no attorney and couldn't depend on the state to help him out.

As witnesses began to recant, there was no one to take their new testimony down.

After all the new information emerged, the courts told Davis there was nothing he could do.

Evidence of police coercion had not been raised during the original trial so his petition to introduce new evidence was denied by a state court.

The state Supreme Court and 11th Circuit Federal Court of Appeals concurred with the lower court's decision, and the U.S. Supreme Court refused to hear Davis' case.

How an innocent man could still be executed because of a legal
technicality is beyond my comprehension.

It defies logic and any concept of fairness and justice."

What's wrong with the legal system? Either way both families have suffered needlessly for close to 20yrs with no end in site. I will spend some time looking into this one and I suggest you do the same.

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