Tuesday, November 09, 2004

BUSH .............. is DA MAN !!!

Now that I'm out of my comma, I must say it. Despite how I disagree with almost everything that this President actions, I wish him well. I have 4 more years to disagree with him. I will take a break for now. Maybe he will do better and I won't have to disagree with him or maybe I will go insane and agree with him. Ahhhw what the hell "God Bless The King" and all of that stuff. " GO BUSH GO ! (Your have no idea how much that hurt) I'm not going to make it until 08.


Aggressive-Voice said...

At least you're taking it a lot better than most people.

jexebel said...

You came out of your comma? That's great! I've been going in and out of hypens all week.

Ang said...

Thinking positively are we?? Or living in a dreamworld?? Guess that is one way to avoid the harsh realities of life :)