change? What.. four more years of the Clinton Admin. Rhoem Emanuel, Leon Panetta, Hillary, and that crooked Attorney General. No thanks. Just a little less than half the country is not happy today.
Just wait till the Gitmo detainees are let loose to plague the world or use OUR tax dollars for court expense.
Limbaugh and Hannity talking points. Have you see what Bush has done to this country? Poorly planned and executed war, failed foreign policy, failed domestic policy, massive debt, unemployment, failing businesses and a depression. We all would like to go back to the Clinton times with the massive surplus. The state the country was great when it was handed over to Bush. These Clinton people are the only Democrats around that have experience. Just like when Bush loaded up with those old guys from his fathers administration.
The Bush administration suggesting someone to be crooked must be a joke.
The day when the United States of America becomes so cowardly as to round up people and hold them for 7 or more years and torture them because we fear them is a sad day for America. Put them on trial, present the evidence. It sure would cost less than holding them for the next 40 years. Over 800 people were release from foreign prisons buy American forces with no trial. Many have died and most were falsely turned in because of the reward money offered by the military. Lie on your neighbor and feed your family.
Tony W, you're a Kool-Aid drinking fool! The way you tell it America under Bush was Zimbabwe under Mugabe or Russia under Putin. Nothing of the sort is true.
Yes, the economy is bad now, but it did pretty well for most of Bush's two terms. 9/11 dealt the economy a big blow in Bush's first term but the country rebounded fairly well. We didn't do as well economically under Bush as we did under Clinton, but we did much better than under Carter, or have you forgotten what those years were like?
And as for Bush's supposedly failed foreign policy, what do you mean? Iraq? I understand why some people didn't want to invade Iraq and yes, Bush executed the war poorly for a long time, but the surge WORKED, idiot! More American soldiers are now dying in Afghanistan than in Iraq. If I had been Bush I would NOT have invaded Iraq but once the battle was joined I did not hope and work for my country's defeat the way so many liberals did. We are now winning in Iraq. Why can't you just be happy?
And another thing on foreign policy. Remember those multiple terrorist attacks against America during the supposedly idyllic Clinton years? The bombing of the USS Cole. The bombings of our embassies in east Africa. The bombing of the Khobar Towers in Saudi Arabia. And the first World Trade Center bombing. Remember those?
If you judge Bush's foreign policy to be a failure even though he kept us safe from attack for seven years, what do you call Clinton's foreign policy in light of the attacks I just reminded you of? Got an answer?
And one more thing on the economy. We're in a RECESSION not a depression, Kool-Aid drinker. The unemployment rate for Bush's last year in office is lower than the unemployment rate for the last years of both Carter and Ford. The economy is bad, and there's plenty of blame to go around for EVERYONE, including consumers who bought houses and other things they knew they couldn't afford. So yeah, things are tough but we are no where near a depression. Although we probably will be when Obama and friends finish spending trillions of dollars we don't have.
And as for the Gitmo detainees, are you going to call up Obama and tell him you'll take them in? Didn't think so.
You say the economy is bad like it is no big thing. I see store front vacancies, boarded up houses and people losing there jobs. It is impossible for two planes that hit the WTC to collapse the worlds strongest economy. Bush's response added to the collapse. What dose Clinton have to do with Bush's mess? There were attacks during the Clinton administration, they were caught, tried and put in jail. Guess what, no economy collapse! Clinton's WTC attack happened weeks into his administration. Following your logic that was Bush's fathers fault.
If you believe we are not in a depression you are drinking and smoking more that Kool-Aid. View the stats. Bush was handed a strong economy on the up swing and he destroyed it. People who were given loans that they could afford the day they took them but the Bush administration allowed the lenders to create loans they could not understand. You are going to see a thousand Madoff's that have scammed everyone with the Republican relaxing of the rules.
Stop getting your information from talk radio. Do your own research and stop believing those lies. What was the serge to accomplish? I'm not a General but even I know that 150,000 troops can not change the hearts and minds of 28 million people with violence.
I know If I were detained and tortured at Gitmo for years and were not a terrorist when I got there I would be when I got out.
I'm going to follow Obama's lead and work towards getting this country back on track. Those of you who drag your feet be prepared to get run over. You will always be welcome to join us but there is no time for politics of devision nonsense. That is what caused a retard to lead this country for the past 8 years( no disrespect to the mentally challenged). Bush was handed a strong economy on the up swing and he destroyed it that is just a fact. He ended with a 20% approval rating? Maybe even lower.
change? What.. four more years of the Clinton Admin. Rhoem Emanuel, Leon Panetta, Hillary, and that crooked Attorney General. No thanks. Just a little less than half the country is not happy today.
Just wait till the Gitmo detainees are let loose to plague the world or use OUR tax dollars for court expense.
Limbaugh and Hannity talking points. Have you see what Bush has done to this country? Poorly planned and executed war, failed foreign policy, failed domestic policy, massive debt, unemployment, failing businesses and a depression. We all would like to go back to the Clinton times with the massive surplus. The state the country was great when it was handed over to Bush. These Clinton people are the only Democrats around that have experience. Just like when Bush loaded up with those old guys from his fathers administration.
The Bush administration suggesting someone to be crooked must be a joke.
The day when the United States of America becomes so cowardly as to round up people and hold them for 7 or more years and torture them because we fear them is a sad day for America. Put them on trial, present the evidence. It sure would cost less than holding them for the next 40 years. Over 800 people were release from foreign prisons buy American forces with no trial. Many have died and most were falsely turned in because of the reward money offered by the military. Lie on your neighbor and feed your family.
Tony W, you're a Kool-Aid drinking fool! The way you tell it America under Bush was Zimbabwe under Mugabe or Russia under Putin. Nothing of the sort is true.
Yes, the economy is bad now, but it did pretty well for most of Bush's two terms. 9/11 dealt the economy a big blow in Bush's first term but the country rebounded fairly well. We didn't do as well economically under Bush as we did under Clinton, but we did much better than under Carter, or have you forgotten what those years were like?
And as for Bush's supposedly failed foreign policy, what do you mean? Iraq? I understand why some people didn't want to invade Iraq and yes, Bush executed the war poorly for a long time, but the surge WORKED, idiot! More American soldiers are now dying in Afghanistan than in Iraq. If I had been Bush I would NOT have invaded Iraq but once the battle was joined I did not hope and work for my country's defeat the way so many liberals did. We are now winning in Iraq. Why can't you just be happy?
And another thing on foreign policy. Remember those multiple terrorist attacks against America during the supposedly idyllic Clinton years? The bombing of the USS Cole. The bombings of our embassies in east Africa. The bombing of the Khobar Towers in Saudi Arabia. And the first World Trade Center bombing. Remember those?
If you judge Bush's foreign policy to be a failure even though he kept us safe from attack for seven years, what do you call Clinton's foreign policy in light of the attacks I just reminded you of? Got an answer?
And one more thing on the economy. We're in a RECESSION not a depression, Kool-Aid drinker. The unemployment rate for Bush's last year in office is lower than the unemployment rate for the last years of both Carter and Ford. The economy is bad, and there's plenty of blame to go around for EVERYONE, including consumers who bought houses and other things they knew they couldn't afford. So yeah, things are tough but we are no where near a depression. Although we probably will be when Obama and friends finish spending trillions of dollars we don't have.
And as for the Gitmo detainees, are you going to call up Obama and tell him you'll take them in? Didn't think so.
You say the economy is bad like it is no big thing. I see store front vacancies, boarded up houses and people losing there jobs. It is impossible for two planes that hit the WTC to collapse the worlds strongest economy. Bush's response added to the collapse. What dose Clinton have to do with Bush's mess? There were attacks during the Clinton administration, they were caught, tried and put in jail. Guess what, no economy collapse! Clinton's WTC attack happened weeks into his administration. Following your logic that was Bush's fathers fault.
If you believe we are not in a depression you are drinking and smoking more that Kool-Aid. View the stats. Bush was handed a strong economy on the up swing and he destroyed it. People who were given loans that they could afford the day they took them but the Bush administration allowed the lenders to create loans they could not understand. You are going to see a thousand Madoff's that have scammed everyone with the Republican relaxing of the rules.
Stop getting your information from talk radio. Do your own research and stop believing those lies. What was the serge to accomplish? I'm not a General but even I know that 150,000 troops can not change the hearts and minds of 28 million people with violence.
I know If I were detained and tortured at Gitmo for years and were not a terrorist when I got there I would be when I got out.
I'm going to follow Obama's lead and work towards getting this country back on track. Those of you who drag your feet be prepared to get run over. You will always be welcome to join us but there is no time for politics of devision nonsense. That is what caused a retard to lead this country for the past 8 years( no disrespect to the mentally challenged). Bush was handed a strong economy on the up swing and he destroyed it that is just a fact. He ended with a 20% approval rating? Maybe even lower.
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