Saturday, November 01, 2008

Sara . . . . No way . . . . . Not Ready

This has to be a joke . . . . . . . . This is what McCain chose. This is the ultimate in poor judgment; she may have to negotiate with other world leaders on our behalf while McCain is in Haven (or Hell) kicking himself. FUCK THAT SHIT "Please say it ain't so Joe". "You Betcha" and all Presidential lingo.


Unknown said...

Are you really this stupid? I mean is this a parody blog?

1) Yo ucan see Russia from land in Alaska.

2) Russia has been invading American airspace over Alaska for the last several years. 2 of which Gov. Plain was in office.

3) As for the "Bush Doctrine". Her answer was correct. Which part.

DUDE, Biden is a f-ing tool. Try looking at that fool.

And Obama is makes Palin at her worst look like a Rhodes scholar.

Tony W said...

Jenn I hope your family members have removed all sharp objects and have you on a 24 hour watch on Election Day.

I hate to inform you but Russian Special Forces invade Alaska regularly and the Governor is never consulted. Why would she even bring that up? It's like fleas landing on a dog’s ass, nothing to worry about. There is 3000 miles on the south western boarder of the United States that anyone can still cross at will.

The choice of Palin has lost the election for McCain. What a poor choice. Hillary supports are discussed by her.

cube said...

Palin is way more qualified than NObammy. Sarah has actually run something.

Tony W said...

The community organizer has run a perfect campaign. That has never been done. He has unified millions of people and led them to perform flawlessly, from the ground to his top advisors. This has never been done before and if this is a sign of what a Obama presidency can do, bring it on.

The Palin/ McCain campaign never got off of the ground. No message and confusing attacks on Obama that never stuck. They had to rely on a fake plumber to get a little traction and he was a no show to get his reality TV show career started. It was run like the Bush Administration. McCain . . . . . . not ready!