Sunday, October 26, 2008

FOX News - Lies Again

FOX News has been playing edited versions of this interview and suggest that Joe Biden did not answer the questions. He seem to believe that some of the questions were ridiculous. As you can clearly see, Joe Biden answered all of her biased questions, but also kicked her butt. It is sad that FOX News takes advantage of the uninitiated to mislead them to contribute to America's doom. The Republican policies should be able to stand on it's own not propped up by lies. Some spin is acceptable but out right lies and parlor tricks are down right destructive. Americans are smarter than FOX News gives them credit for and this shows in the polls. People, we live in the Internet age and should check all so called facts for ourselves. When you regular FOX News viewers see the edited clips from this interview remember that you have seen the truth and view FOX News in it's appropriate light. For those who do not view FOX News regularly hold your nose and check it out, then feel very ashamed of what is considered news in the United States. FOX News is also reporting the long lines and long wait for early voting. FOX News reports seems to be frowning on early voting. Go figure!


Anonymous said...

Watched that the other day, what a joke. Quoting Marx? And then uttering that evil word... "Sweden"! Biden was quite good.

Unknown said...

ARE YOU KIDDING???? The station that held the interview is a local network affiliated with CNN. You freaks and your Fox News paranoia need to be locked up in mental wards.

Biden came off as a pompous lying POS with no clue as usual. Guy couldn't talk his way out of a open field.

If your candidates can;t handle some real questions from a news reporter than how the hell an they lead this country.

An Biden and his BS we didn't give no stinking money to ACORN crap is one of his best gaffes yet. Liar.

Tony W said...

Jenn the problem is with FOX News only playing selective parts of the interview. We all would like for you to give supported facts of lies. If there are lies I would like to know about them.

Jenn facts please!

Unknown said...

It was a 4 minute interview tool. 4 minutes, they played it all. LOL. FACT!

Tony W said...

WOW Jenn! The FAUX News Network is a 24hr network and most of the time they just played selective portions of the interview.

Jenn why so angry?

Jenn why the name calling?

I know what a freak is but what is a tool? (someone help me out here)

Is it good to be a tool?

Are you going to accuse me of holding you down and using that tool to carve a backward letter on your face?

All will be fine in about a week from now (Nov. 4th)

Anonymous said...

We need to bring back the fairness doctrine to put these neo-con fascists back in their place when it come to journalism.