Friday, September 26, 2008

John McCain - COWARD?

I believe that McCain is a coward and is avoiding a debate with Obama. "Country first" is a load of crap. McCain is one of one hundred Senators and will have no positive affect on the bail out (welfare) negotiations. You can not repair 26 years of poor decision making in one day. If McCain is not a coward he is falling on the sword for his poor VP selection. If the Presidential debate is postponed or cancelled Sara Palin will not have to debate and she will be able to drop the shovel and the hole she has been digging will not get any deeper. Wow, I am sure McCain wish he could get a do over on that pick. It is just going to get worst as time goes on. You just can not thrust someone on to the world stage that way. That was just cruel and is painful to watch. McCain will have to pay for the years of therapy I will need after watching this one. This nonsense about the town hall debates that Obama turned down is a joke. Obama draws tens of thousands to his events and McCain draws tens to events. Why would Obama debate town hall style and make McCain look good by drawing these large numbers and not discuss the facts. I saw one McCain event where most of the twenty people that where there had Obama shirts on and it turned into a Obama rally. If McCain were elected would he run and hide from other world leaders? Is a Maverick a type of chicken? If McCain is a no show Obama will have a few hours of air time that McCain can not afford to give up. Come on McCain, you are better than that. Obama is not a good debater so show up Popeye and get in there and fight.


new illuminati said...

Your first couple of sentences are correct, but your last are entirely erroneous.


Don said...

Ah, but McCain has requested numerous debates, and Obama has refused them all but this one. Who is the coward there?

And, with the potential change of running mate to Clinton, who is the one running scared now?

Don't get me wrong, I like neither choice, but I mainly don't like how one side or the other ONLY post negative stuff about the other side. Why don't people just post the positive stuff? And that negative stuff which has real merit and impact on the job at hand?

cube said...

I guess that makes Obama a coward ten times over because he refused to meet McCain at about ten townhall meetings.

Amber Sunshine said...

Well said don and cube

shannon said...

good post.

one suggestion - break this up into 2 or 3 paragraphs. it'd be easier on the eyes.

Unknown said...

Helloooooo McCain has challenged Obama numerous times to town hall debates. He refused. Get a grip.

Anonymous said...

"country first" is a load of crap?

what part of the aclu do you work for?