I would have hated to have been a commentator for FOX NEWS this week of the Democratic Convention. They looked very uncomfortable as they tried to push politics rather than news. Politics aside the Democratic Convention displayed great American stories and beliefs. The FOX NEWS commentators had a very hard time spinning these stories and beliefs to the point of stumbling, some dead air and uncomfortably repeating the same old talking points. We all know that all political conventions are staged and this Democratic Convention was done so beautifully. It was a mistake for FOX NEWS to try to push the Republican talking points at this time. They made have violated one of the first rules of successful combat. Never battle on the field of the enemy's choosing. The FOX MEWS commentators were reduced to repeating the phrase "I know your are, but what am I?". Sad! FOX NEWS would have been better served by dropping the Pom Poms and becoming a real news organization for a change. That may be too much to ask for, but one day it may happen. Are there any real main stream news organizations out there anymore? I'm serious! Most news organizations are either opinion and commentary soap operas or Paris Hilton talking head shows. I remember the days when the news was the news. Someone came on and told you what was going on and it was done in order of real importance. No commentary, Paris Hilton and Brittney Spears would have never made the evening news unless they killed someone. News was a public service and the news organizations were never expected to make a profit. I won't rant anymore, but you get the point. Now that the Republican Convention is next week and I would be surprised if the coverage is as disgusting as FOX NEWS coverage of the Democratic Convention. I'm biased but fair so if it is please come back and keep me honest. One day FOX NEWS will get off of it's knees, discard the knee pads and stop giving the Republican party the endless Lewinsky. When that day comes they may become a real news organization. NOT!
lol @Fox drops the ball. Call me when they figure out what to do with it ever.
Good post, enjoyed ya.
Peace to you,
Barry got his ass handed to him when McCain picked Palin for a running mate. All the dog and pony shows were for nothing.
How about ONE example of what you are talking about, or I guess writing a huge story without one is how you guys spin it, huh?
te Democratic convention was all hoopla and hype. The masterstroke of the interval belongs to John McCain, whose astute selection of a running mate could well be the decisive gambit of the season.
Stay tuned.
So Olbermann can be blatantly partisan for the Dems and it's OK, but Fox can't ask the tough questions?
The Democrats' convention was a celebration of substanceless hype. There was no need to caricature it, and anyone assigned to cover it was certain to itch for a real story to report on.
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