Friday, October 05, 2007


This woman killed her husband by accident with an enema laced with sherry wine. What a FREAK! The prosecutor recently dropped the charges do to lack of evidence. Lack of evidence! You know where the evidence went. He died of alcohol poisoning. That’s a weird way to get drunk. "An autopsy report said he had been administered an enema with enough sherry to get a blood alcohol level of 0.47 percent. That is almost six times the level that can lead to a driving while intoxicated charge" The article goes on to say that he became addicted to enemas since early childhood. I'm sure there's another story there. Wow, now I have a great idea. I will be the first to open an Enema Bar. That right! You can go there and really enjoy yourself without the nuisance of having to constantly lifting you glass.


Wakela said...

Lol! Well, I definitely won't be visiting your enema bar.

When I initially read about this story, I was totally freaked out. I can't believe that people would actually do stuff like that.

What was she thinking?

Anonymous said...

Well that's one way to pass a breathalizer. Yikes!

Anonymous said...

I don't care if someone kills me like that. Say I tripped over my own foot and fell when I hit the floor. Say it was my fault. Just don't say I had one too many... in the ass.

Nor said...

i am pretty sure that you'll be attracting many customers in that 'enema' bar. *lol
count me in. *rofl

cube said...

She also burned his will. Hmmmm, perhaps she was up to no good when she anally administered the 2 quarts of sherry?

Fetiche Nouvelle said...

Don't be too dismissive of enemas, dear fellow.

MODERN b0i said...

Well the man couldn't drink so an enema is the next best thing.

Alcoholic enemas are quite common actually.

They are so common that even Stevo from the JackAss MTV series gets an on-camera beer enema and becomes visibly inebriated within seconds--one of the advantages of alcohol enemas.

But ALAS! Even alcohol consumed through enemas will show up on a breathalyser test.

Anonymous said...

What a complete freak. That is garden plumbing to a whole new level.

Anonymous said...

God in heaven!

sherry wine club said...

Wow great cool post, i like this post. thanks for sharing.