This week may be bad for America! We will have indictments coming left and right for the Bush Administration. Delay's campaign finance woes (that may just be the tip of the Iceberg). Lewis Libby's inability to remember what really happened and is now contradicting his testimony. Vice President Cheney's vindictive nature to pay back anyone that refuses to walk in lock step with him. Martha Stewart was put in jail for lying and she was not even under oath. Martha just had an interview and some of these other people were under oath or was allowed to refuse to go under oath. The President refused to answer questions without Cheney with him to tell him what to do. Let's cut to the chase. Delay did it and worst. Libby and Cheney's went after former U.S. Ambassador Joseph Wilson for critiquing the Administrations reason to go to war in Iraq. That's just mean and not a crime! If to punish Mr. Wilson they blew his wife's (Valerie Plame) cover and outted her as a covert CIA agent, that's treason. That puts her life in danger and everyone in the made up undercover company (Brewster-Jennings & Associates) she worked for. I'm sure some of its employees and contacts around the world lost their lives after it were known they were spying. That's not even the worst of it! Wilson was able to determine that the most damming evidence against Saddam (Iraq) was a forgery why couldn't our intelligence agencies do the same? (NSA, CIA and FBI) Or did they? Why did the Bush Administration still use this document and many others? The amazing truth that has been looked over the media and people in the know is afraid to ask (and rightfully so) is who forged these documents and planted them? It seems that Special Counsel Patrick Fitzgerald's criminal investigation will answer that question and if so that man has some pair of BALLS. The way to find out who is behind this is to ask yourself who would benefit from such actions. Someone lied to trick the American people to support an unjust war to the tune of 1 BILLION dollars a day. Tens of Thousands of lives lost and destroyed for what? Saddam had done nothing against the United States and he sits in jail jacked for his oil. On the other hand Osama attacked the United States, boast about it, is held as a hero by millions and we do nothing. We should have used the full might of the United States military and influence to bring Osama to justice but no .......... the oil comes first. We were told that Saddam was an imminent threat and Iraq's oil would finance the war. If the reason to go to war proves to be made up lies this would be an even worst crime than the 911 attacks and committed by our own elected officials. Today 10/25/05 the United States lost it's 2000th soldier to this war. Why? It seems that the Bush Administration created this war in Iraq, created the demons and set the stage. They created the perfect self fulfilling prophecy and still fucked it up. Believe it or not I pray that I am wrong. Let’s not get it twisted! If I came home on day and Bush or one of his cronies were sitting in my living room I would do what we call in my circles “Bitching Up” and deny all I said. You would also hear “Yes Mr. Bush” a thousand times. Oh someone’s at the door ……………… wish me luck! Delete Delete Delete.
1 comment:
It makes me wonder why so many innocent people are behind bars while the Bush administration run free? I guess having power and a shit load of money can buy anything?
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