Why is he smiling? This has to be a JOKE! Did Tom Delay consult with the members of the "Queer Eye for the Strait Guy" cast for this photo? This is a Great Mug Shot! I’m sure he had one of the photographers from "
America's Top Model" take his Mug Shot. He put
Martha Stewart's Mug Shot to shame and where his prison number is. All Mug Shots have a number! What I find strange is that TIME Magazine altered OJ Simpson's photo (Made it darker) to make him seem more menacing. Delay also avoided the "PERP" walk. I’m sure they had his Angel's Wings air brushed out! There's no way this guy could have committed any crimes, he looks like one of the cute "Little Rascals" all grown up. I must admit that I can't see how this little Angel got the nickname "THE HAMMER" but it surely could not have been earned. Just look at him, he's just toooo cute for that. If it had been me I would have been forced to do the "Perp" walk and someone from the K9 unit would have snapped my Mug Shot. That's just one step below the Drivers License photo taker and would not have been so perfect. I just want to pinch his little cheeks. If Delay dose any time I have three tips for him.
1) Everyone knows that you don't drop the soap in the shower.
2) Please don't use the term "You Colored People"
3) If an inmate says "You have a pretty mouth" it's not a compliment and you should begin to repeatedly yell "GUARD" "GUARD" until you are remove from the situation.
I don't wish prison on the cute little fella but we will have to see what crimes he will be convicted of to take a position on that. The simple fact of the matter is most criminals never get convicted of their most terrible crimes. I believe Al Capone and John Gotti got convicted on tax evasion. In New York City some of the worst criminals are initially arrested for jumping turnstiles and parking tickets. This guy is a crook and we may never know the worst of his crimes. The House changed its rules in an attempt to protect him which makes them crooks to. There are many crooks on both sides that are protected and should be run out of office. Just remember that they rob from you! This is your money and not money from some made up country that they continue to rob form. When you fill your car with gas think about that. When you get your heating bills think about that. When you pay your taxes (Which most Corporations in the United States don't do) on April 15th you think about that. College tuition, medical care and so on. Who am I kidding? If Delay gets time he will be put in some Country Club and his quality of living will still eclipse mine ten fold. Only in America! Just something to ponder. Bush has appointed people to hundreds of important and critical jobs. Has he appointed the best this country has to offer? Is it a crime not to do so? Do we the people deserve to be served by the best? Is Miers the best this country has to offer? Is that the correct spelling of Miers last name or is that just how Bush (he's not the brightest bulb on Broadway) spells it and all of the "Yes Men" are affraid to correct him? Last and most important with the character than has been displayed by this administration do you think that the companies that get billions of dollars of our money are the best this country has to offer or are they just friends from Texas like everyone else has been.
Karl Rove be afraid, be very afraid because there is no honor among thieves!