What the hell is going on here? My neighbor mentioned this to me as I was raking leaves today and I thought it was a joke. Alcohol (or other substances) and stupidity are a deadly combination. For most people this deadly mix is realized at home (sometime in a crowded night club). If it were me I would be still handcuffed to the hospital bed the next day answering questions form NYC police, not refusing access to police at my New Jersey home. Knowing what I know about NYC there must have been about 10 or 15 people laying next to Plaxico Burress on the floor claiming they were also hit by the magic bullet. They would simultaneously be on the phone with their favorite lawyer discussing the future pending case. gotta love the NYC.
I'm a huge Giants fan and I'm wondering how this would affect Plaxico and the team? Will there be criminal charges applied? Most of us cannot legally carry a firearm in NYC let alone fire it in a club. As you can remember Sean "Puffy" Combs was involved in something similar at a club with Jennifer Lopez. The ensuing high speed chase with NYC police woke her ass up and she left the rap world alone after that. Looks like Combs paid a lackey to take the gun charge. I'm even sure you cannot shoot yourself in the leg without taking a mandatory trip to the Nut Hut. What will the league do? I'm sure there are rules against such behavior. What will the Giants do? Plaxico has been anything but a choir boy and has been a bigger problem for them this year. More importantly, will Burress be healthy this year? Well only time will tell. All I can say is GO BIG BLUE GO!
It is a shame that President Elect Barack Obama's Grandmother did not live to see this day. I heard someone say "She voted for him in Heaven and she did not have to wait in line long because there were not any Republicans there".
History was made and I will say I am proud of America today. She has grown and I hope she continues to grow and set examples for the rest of the world. I was very ashamed of McCain supporters for booing the President Elect as McCain graciously addressed him. I hope this hate in America is a thing of the pass and if they want to stay there they will just have to be left behind. No more hate, fear and demonizing of others please. NO MORE IN THE UNITED STATES of AMERICA and sit in church on Sunday.
McCain proves again that he is a decent man. I don't know what happened but McCain took the low road and resorted to gimmicks in his campaign. McCain did not stick to the issues and took bad advice from someone he trusted. Thank you that someone.
I believe that President Elect Obama will use his 100 million people (and growing) organization to help guide him. He got support from the masses and owes no lobbyist or groups anything. I also hope he uses his amazing communication network to get the masses involved and alert us as to who or what gets in the way of us moving this country forward. This should not be difficult as we have witness the technology and communication expertise his organization developed. In this way we the masses can get to work to correct or remove the problem.
There will be a small, vocal and older group that will go out of there way to hold on to hate and fear. As I mentioned earlier if we cannot drag them forward kicking and screaming for the good of us all, we will need to ignore them and leave them behind.
America still needs work because we still define a person that is 50% one race and 50% another as Black. Why is that?
Sara Palin was PUNK'd! The walking talking point (Sara Palin) preformed well. It is reported it took a week for her staff to set this call up and they just F'ed up. She sounded more like a groupie than the Vice President of the United States or a slick car salesman that constantly push the paperwork to your side of the table as he shoots you line after line of bullshit.
This has to be a joke . . . . . . . . This is what McCain chose. This is the ultimate in poor judgment; she may have to negotiate with other world leaders on our behalf while McCain is in Haven (or Hell) kicking himself. FUCK THAT SHIT "Please say it ain't so Joe". "You Betcha" and all Presidential lingo.
McCain thinks he is speaking with his fellow prisoners. I hope he gets the help he needs. Some one should have put a stop to this and got this man some help. Please don't let our young veterans got through 40 years in this state of mind. Get them all they need. Please!