Tuesday, September 29, 2009

"Should Obama Be Killed?"

Can you believe that this was a question in a resent Facebook poll? As some may already know that when it comes to terrorism I always ask the question, are their crazies crazier than our crazies? We gladly spend trillions under the lies of rescuing and saving other countries without concern, but when it comes to paying for health care for our citizens we ask who will pay for it? Bush never budgeted for two wars, funded it with emergency supplemental funding (how can a multi-year war be an unforeseen emergency?) and America never asked a question. Now some in America want President Obama killed. We really know why these people want harm to come to President Obama and the republican hate machine should be ashamed from encouraging our crazies in that direction. America, the world is watching! The full story below:

Obama Facebook Poll: "Should Obama Be Killed?" Pulled From Site, Secret Service Investigate - UPDATED (PHOTOS)

A poll was posted on Facebook asking users to vote "should Obama be killed?"

The responses include: "yes," "maybe," "if he cuts my health care," and "no."

Over 730 people had taken the poll, which was later removed from Facebook. The poll is now being probed by the Secret Service, reports the Associated Press. Read more about the investigation here.

Included on the list of the top 100 most popular polls on Facebook was a poll responding to the "should Obama be killed" query, and which asked users to vote, "Should the creator of 'should Obama be killed' be arrested?"

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Indonesian woman gives birth to 8.7 kilo boy


An Indonesian woman has given birth to an 8.7-kilogramme (19.2-pound) baby boy, the heaviest newborn ever recorded in the country, a doctor said Wednesday.
The baby, who is still unnamed and is 62 centimetres (24.4 inches) long, was born by caesarean section Monday at a public hospital in North Sumatra province, a gynaecologist who took part in the operation told AFP.

"This heavy baby made the surgery really tough, especially the process of taking him out of his mum's womb. His legs were so big," Binsar Sitanggang said.

The boy is in a healthy condition despite having to initially be given oxygen to overcome breathing problems, the gynaecologist said.

"He's got strong appetite, every minute, it's almost non-stop feeding," he said.

"This baby boy is extraordinary, the way he's crying is not like a usual baby. It's really loud."

The boy's massive size was likely the result of his mother, Ani, 41, having diabetes, Sitanggang said.

She had to be rushed to hospital due to complications with the pregnancy, which had reached nine months. The baby, her fourth, was the only child not delivered by a traditional midwife.

When a diabetic mother's glucose level is high during pregnancy, the baby can receive too much glucose and grow too large, according to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists.

Indonesia's previous heaviest baby, weighing in at 6.9 kilos, was born in 2007 on the outskirts of the capital Jakarta, according to the Indonesian Museum of Records website.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Barack and Michelle

Michelle was Barack's boss at one point and then he married her. This should be a great book.

Click Here for more information on this book.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


America needs free higher education and fast. The world is watching us and I am ashamed. How can we free countries and help the world when these are the people we produce. Did they say Obama is in the bible and it means "The Anti-Christ"? These people can not even articulate what they have traveled many miles to protest. This is a true example of a "DITTO HEAD". They are told what to do and how to feel by the people who are causing them the most damage. This protest is 8 years too late. I will have to assume the reason for the protest from what the handlers have to say, because these people have absolutely no idea. They just know the canned catch phrases. According to them Bush handed a perfect country over to Obama and it was destroyed in a few months. According to these people Bush left the country with a lager surplus than Clinton did and no debt. According to these people Bush did not hand the country over to Obama on the verge of collapse because if that were the case these protest would have taken place 8 years ago. According to these people we would need another 8 years of Bush and all would be fine. The country is in recovery and these protest are too little too late. We know the real reason they are protesting?

Friday, September 11, 2009

Stolen ATM, Truck Found Torched, Thieves get $90,000

WOW! Thieves walk off with a ATM machine and get away with $90,000. This is good pay for 10 minutes worth of work. The only tools needed was a hand truck and a clip board. I don't have the nerve to walk into a hospital, cut the cables and walk away with the ATM. Can you do this? I know it's a crime but $90,000 in ten minutes. Well some feel that $3 ATM fees may be a crime also.