Friday, October 31, 2008
Plumber Joe - No Show
I don't want to pile on, but damn! McCain just never got on track with his campaign. First he made a poor VP choice which caused him to waste time and resources to get Caribou Barbie up to speed and having her baggage drag the campaign down. He never was able to get an attack to stick to Obama and has constantly changed his message. He put this Plumber into the spot light by invoking him in a national debate and he turns out to be a liar and a fake. Then he embraces the liar and fake because he was too stubborn to back away from a mistake. You would think that this was McCain's first time running for President with such a poor performance. Sadly it looks like Joe will vote against his own best interest because Obama's plans will benefit him and his family the most. Now McCain and his supporter are reduces to making up these worst case scenarios and dreaming them to be true, and using these fantasies to attack Obama. Desperate!
Obama has preformed flawlessly. His message has been on point. He has carried himself with honor and respect. His ground game has been organized, very mobile and may become legendary. Omama's superior organization has kept McCain off balance, frustrated and confused. The video will speak to that. I liked McCain but when he used Bush tactics and jumped in the gutter it just turned me off because I thought "here we go again". This was not a good tactic for McCain because he is a much more honorable man the Bush could ever be and looked uncomfortable with this.
I still believe that is will be difficult for Obama to will given the history of the United States. Some say the Bradley Effect may flip the results. A new term may be born from this election, the Obama Effect! This will result in people saying they will support the more traditional candidate because of perceive pressure form society and peers. This support will become non-existent when this voter enters the boot because in their heart and pocketbook they know the less traditional candidate is better for them and the country. Will we see an Obama Effect land slide?
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Sara Palin the SOCIALIST
Palin contends that Obama’s characterization of his tax plan revealed him to be a “socialist” who wants to “redistribute” American wealth. Palin argues that the Obama tax plan “discourages productivity,” will “punish hardwork,” and will “stifle the entrepreneurial spirit.”
Conservatives in the media have echoed Palin’s sentiments, insinuating that Obama is a “Marxist” and referring to his tax plan as “welfare.”
But Palin’s criticisms of Obama’s “spread the wealth” remarks are ironic, as she recently characterized Alaska’s tax code in a very similar way. Just last month, in an interview with Philip Gourevitch of the New Yorker, Palin explained the windfall profits tax that she imposed on the oil industry in Alaska as a mechanism for ensuring that Alaskans “share in the wealth” generated by oil companies:
And Alaska—we’re set up, unlike other states in the union, where it’s collectively Alaskans own the resources. So we share in the wealth when the development of these resources occurs. … It’s to maximize benefits for Alaskans, not an individual company, not some multinational somewhere, but for Alaskans.
In fact, Alaska’s Clear and Equitable Share (ACES) program, which manages the redistribution of oil wealth in Alaska, brings in so much money that the state needs no income or sales tax. In addition, this year ACES will provide every Alaskan with a check for an estimated $3,200.
As Hendrick Hertzberg notes, “Perhaps there is some meaningful distinction between spreading the wealth and sharing it…but finding it would require the analytic skills of Karl the Marxist.”
I find it strange most people that are complaining about Obama's tax plan are worried about it taking part of their wealth and giving it to someone else. Most of these people have no hope of ever earning $250,000 a year (as 98% of small businesses do not) and quiet frankly have no wealth at all to lose. The only wealth most of these people had was in their homes or 401K earnings and this puts most of them in the red.
The people fueling this backlash are the wealthy that did not include you in sharing the wealth as they raked in Billions, but forced you to share the pain in the form of a Trillion Dollar Wall Street bailout. Don't help them rob you again by parroting their talking points.
Americans must be suffering from mass hypnosis to not only vote against her own best interest, but fight long and hard destroy herself. I'm embarrassed as the world views in disbelief.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
The Anchorage Daily News, the leading daily in the overwhelmingly Republican state, called Palin's vice-presidential nomination "an improbable and highly memorable event" and added that "many Alaskans are proud to see their governor, and their state, so prominent on the national stage".
Nevertheless, the newspaper editorial deemed her not yet ready to serve in the White House, and saying the hometown boosterism "does not overwhelm all other judgment".
The paper was even more scathing in its assessment of the top of the Republican ticket.
"Our sober view is that her running mate, Senator John McCain , is the wrong choice for president at this critical time for our nation," the daily wrote.
" Senator Barack Obama , the Democratic nominee, brings far more promise to the office," the Anchorage Daily News said.
"In a time of grave economic crisis, he displays thoughtful analysis, enlists wise counsel and operates with a cool, steady hand. The same cannot be said of Senator McCain ."
Particularly on the top campaign issue - the faltering US economy - the newspaper said McCain "has stumbled and fumbled badly in dealing with the accelerating crisis as it emerged".
"His behaviour in this crisis - erratic is a kind description - shows him to be ill-equipped to lead the essential effort of reining in a runaway financial system and setting an anxious nation on course to economic recovery."
The news came as Palin announced she will forgo the expensive outfits purchased by the Republican Party for her campaign appearances, and from now on will appear on the stump wearing her own Alaska-bought clothes.
Palin stressed to throngs of supporters at a campaign stop in Tampa, Florida that she was wearing her own jacket, pointing to her blazer, and said she would eschew clothing that wasn't hers, following a campaign kerfuffle over high-priced garb purchased by the campaign for her public outings.
"Those clothes are not my property, just like the lighting and the staging and everything else the RNC ( Republican National Committee ) purchased," said Palin.
"I'm not taking them with me. I'm back to wearing my own clothes from my favourite consignment shop in Anchorage, Alaska," she said, adding that she initially had hoped to "ignore this wardrobe thing", but instead has decided to address it head on.
Meanwhile, the McCain campaign received the good news that his home state newspaper this weekend gave the Arizona senator its backing.
"We have seen the irascible McCain. The bawdy and irreverent McCain. And, yes, the temperamental McCain," the Arizona Republic wrote.
"Nobody in the country knows the Republican presidential candidate better than we do. And no one is better placed to judge whether he would serve honourably and admirably as president of the United States.
"We are confident he will. The Arizona Republic proudly recommends John McCain for president."
FOX News - Lies Again
FOX News has been playing edited versions of this interview and suggest that Joe Biden did not answer the questions. He seem to believe that some of the questions were ridiculous. As you can clearly see, Joe Biden answered all of her biased questions, but also kicked her butt. It is sad that FOX News takes advantage of the uninitiated to mislead them to contribute to America's doom. The Republican policies should be able to stand on it's own not propped up by lies. Some spin is acceptable but out right lies and parlor tricks are down right destructive. Americans are smarter than FOX News gives them credit for and this shows in the polls. People, we live in the Internet age and should check all so called facts for ourselves. When you regular FOX News viewers see the edited clips from this interview remember that you have seen the truth and view FOX News in it's appropriate light. For those who do not view FOX News regularly hold your nose and check it out, then feel very ashamed of what is considered news in the United States. FOX News is also reporting the long lines and long wait for early voting. FOX News reports seems to be frowning on early voting. Go figure!
Friday, October 17, 2008
Joe the Plumber - INSANE?
Joe is in a fantasy world. Joe the Plumber lied to Obama and said “I’m getting ready to buy a company that makes $250,000 to $280,000 a year,” “Your new tax plan is going to tax me more, isn’t it?” According to some tax analysts, if Mr. Wurzelbacher’s gross receipts from his business is $250,000 — and not his taxable income — then he would not have to pay higher taxes under Mr. Obama’s plan, and probably would be eligible for a tax cut. Also the business he currently works at only grossed about $100K last year and will get a tax cut with Obama's plan and this benefits Joe the Plumber and the business owner. Joe the Plumber has a lot to learn about business.
Joe the Plumber is a lier and lies to himself to believe that McCains tax plan would be better for him. “All contractors are licensed, and he does not have a license, either as a contractor or a plumber,” the union official said, citing a search of government records. “I can’t find that he’s ever even applied for any kind of apprenticeship, and he has never belonged to local 189 in Columbus, which is what he claims on his Facebook page.” Joe the Plumber needs to become more motivated, get a license and begin an apprenticeship program before he should buy a plumbing business. Joe the Plumber only earned about $40K last year. I'm no business Guru but I would think he would have to earn more than that to buy a business worth $250K.
According to public records, Mr. Wurzelbacher has been subject to two liens, each over $1,000, one of which — a personal tax lien — is still outstanding. This leads me to believe that Joe the Plumber is not really worried about paying taxes
“We have his named spelled W-O, instead of W-U,” Linda Howe, executive director of the Lucas County Board of Elections, said in a telephone interview. “Handwriting is sometimes hard to read. He has never corrected it in his registration card.” It would be ironic if Joe the Plumber would be purged for the voter roles because of this. Joe would have to live in an area that is likely to vote for Obama for that to happen.
Why would someone vote against their own best interest? Even more disturbing, why would someone create a fantasy that would justify voting againt their own best interest? Everyone please wake up and be honest with yourself. Most of you are like Joe and do not have the means, motivation or the intelligence to become rich. The Republicans have nothing to offer you. Live your normal life and be happy. Joe the Plumber is INSANE!
Tuesday, October 07, 2008
KIMBO SLICE - Is He a Bum?
Saturday, October 04, 2008
Thursday, October 02, 2008
The Giant Talking Point
What Palin did do well was trying to distance McCain form Bush and this was a good strategy. Palin did well but the bull crap was spread thick and the fact it was bull crap will not make anyone change sides. It would have been a home run if she got off the TALKIN POINTS and answered a few questions without the TALKING POINTS, but then she may have fallen on her face. There were times I am sure she did not even hear the question before she began the TALKING POINTS. I must correct myself and state the Sara Palin did not end her career in this debate. Did you guys know John McCain was a war hero? McCain the ball in your court and it is time to play catch up.
Wednesday, October 01, 2008
Palin - Please Don't Do It!
Please do not go forward with this debate. Spouting endless talking points will not cut it on this stage. Please do not end your career and become the joke of the world with your possible stumbling performance. Tina Fay dose not need the money and if you do this she will work forever. Please do not embarrass women all over America who deserve a real candidate. What is the world thinking about the mighty United States of America when she is willing to play political games and roll the dice when it comes to her leadership? I hope to wake up from this nightmare because this can not be happening. Please don't let McCain do this to you Sara. I'm sure there is a family crisis that you would rather tend to that will not allow you the ability to continue this joke.
America, we have already supported our party's poor choices for President and look at the state of America as of 10/1/08. We had eight years with the Village Idiot in the White House and now the country has her hat in hand begging for welfare in the form of a bail out. In eight years we went from a balance budget and surpluses to record debt. The Statue of Liberty is on a 24 hour hoe stroll. She is on the world stage bent over with her dress over her head working off our debt. America please don't do this to the United States again.