Friday, September 26, 2008

McCain Wins

John McCain wins the first debate! As I said before, Obama is not a great debater. I do not see why McCain played so much politics the week leading to this debate. McCain was able to control the debate an suck Obama in to his stronger area of topics. Obama agreed with McCain too much, as if he were in a trance. This is where I disagree with America because I can acknowledge when a candidate that I disagree with dose well. This debate is filled with favorable campaign ads for McCain. Obama should have hammered McCain on the economy, support for Veterans, boarder security and much more. McCain was successful on hammering his view on Obama's tax policy and command of foreign policy. I would feel dirty if I did not say that I believe that John McCain would be bad for the country, but I also must say again he did a great job. Obama had an endless arsenal with the last 8 years of Republican rule, the war, scandal and the economy, but did not pull the trigger. I must also say that Obama's performance was more cerebral and may resonate more in days to come and benefit him later. Unfortunately they both came off like politicians, but one looks much more believable and I will leave it there. Now get ready for the spin on both sides.

John McCain - COWARD?

I believe that McCain is a coward and is avoiding a debate with Obama. "Country first" is a load of crap. McCain is one of one hundred Senators and will have no positive affect on the bail out (welfare) negotiations. You can not repair 26 years of poor decision making in one day. If McCain is not a coward he is falling on the sword for his poor VP selection. If the Presidential debate is postponed or cancelled Sara Palin will not have to debate and she will be able to drop the shovel and the hole she has been digging will not get any deeper. Wow, I am sure McCain wish he could get a do over on that pick. It is just going to get worst as time goes on. You just can not thrust someone on to the world stage that way. That was just cruel and is painful to watch. McCain will have to pay for the years of therapy I will need after watching this one. This nonsense about the town hall debates that Obama turned down is a joke. Obama draws tens of thousands to his events and McCain draws tens to events. Why would Obama debate town hall style and make McCain look good by drawing these large numbers and not discuss the facts. I saw one McCain event where most of the twenty people that where there had Obama shirts on and it turned into a Obama rally. If McCain were elected would he run and hide from other world leaders? Is a Maverick a type of chicken? If McCain is a no show Obama will have a few hours of air time that McCain can not afford to give up. Come on McCain, you are better than that. Obama is not a good debater so show up Popeye and get in there and fight.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Stay of execution angers slain cop's family

Troy Antony Davis gets a stay of execution. I find this case fascinating. It looks like almost 20yrs ago Davis intervened in the beating of an older woman. When the police arrived an officer was shot and killed. It is also said that later the person that attacked the woman was seen riding around with the police looking for the shooter. I found some statements from the Davis web site disturbing. I realize that these statements could be biased but it they are true this case becomes scary:

"Shortly after Davis landed on death row, the Georgia Resource Center - which defended death row inmates - took a huge hit in funding at a crucial time for his case. He had no attorney and couldn't depend on the state to help him out.

As witnesses began to recant, there was no one to take their new testimony down.

After all the new information emerged, the courts told Davis there was nothing he could do.

Evidence of police coercion had not been raised during the original trial so his petition to introduce new evidence was denied by a state court.

The state Supreme Court and 11th Circuit Federal Court of Appeals concurred with the lower court's decision, and the U.S. Supreme Court refused to hear Davis' case.

How an innocent man could still be executed because of a legal
technicality is beyond my comprehension.

It defies logic and any concept of fairness and justice."

What's wrong with the legal system? Either way both families have suffered needlessly for close to 20yrs with no end in site. I will spend some time looking into this one and I suggest you do the same.

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

16 US troops commit suicide in Iraq

Below is the story released by Press TV. Press TV looks to be an Iranian news organization. This story lacks creativity and not to mention any facts that would hint to it being remotely true. Why would Iran's leaders allow this news organization to poke the 800lb gorilla on steroids with a sharp stick? Drop the stick, walk away and don't look it in the eye.

Mon, 08 Sep, 2008 12:48:50 GMT

Sixteen US troops from the a unit of the Airborne Division have committed suicide inside a military base in Iraq, security sources say.

Iraqi security sources have revealed that 21 US troops had committed suicide inside a former Iraqi air force base 27 days ago, Fars News Agency reported on Monday.

According to the sources, the 21 troops were treated in a hospital but only five soldiers have survived and they are in a critical condition. Security officials said they used potent narcotics to kill themselves.

The troops' motivations for suicide are not known but according to Iraqi sources the servicemen belonged to a unit of the US Airborne Division that was behind the massacre of several Iraqi families-- mostly women and children-- in northern Baghdad, said Ali al-Baghdadi an Iraqi security official.

The suicides took place in the soldiers' dormitory after the dinner time.
"The bodies of the US troops became misshapen such a way that they looked like 5000-year mummies," said a witness.

According to Iraqi officials' estimates, some 600 US troops, including senior officers, have committed suicide in Iraq since the invasion of the country in 2003. Half of the suicide attempts have been successful.


Wednesday, September 03, 2008

McCain - Crazy Like a Fox?

Looking at McCain's VP pick I would have to say he is just crazy. I believed he had the presidential election won. Why did he choose Sara Palin? Don't get me wrong I also believe McCain is the worst choice, but there are a few characteristics about the American culture that makes it unlikely that Obama would win. For some reason both parties served up their weakest candidates. I believe that Obama and Clinton are great VP candidates but they have too many negatives to win this presidential election. My feelings on McCain are even worst. Americans deserve better than these two. Now this Sara Palin disaster is a time bomb that is waiting to happen. The negatives are too many and they are still coming. Let's look at the negatives as of today. She was a Mayor of a town of 5700 people. There are some High School Principles that manage more people. The town had a surplus her fist day of office and on her last day there was a deficit of 20 million dollars. She ran against her mother-in law at one point and her best friend eventually became mayor. What type of one horse town is this? I think I just found a place to retire. Her family problems should be off of the table, but when they conflict with her record some feel they should be back in play politically. Her 17yr old daughter being pregnant speaks to her support of abstinence only education, morality and abortion. The fact that her daughter and the child's father are getting married is a great thing, but marriage at that age can be difficult. Sara Palin was also pregnant when she got married and it all seemed to work well for her. I believe these type of personal problems should have nothing to do will your suitability for higher office, but when you openly support the opposite behaviors it leaves the door cracked open. It is good to see that these type of problems don't only happen in the hood or trailer parks as some would have you believe. We would all admit that we would not like to have a daughter unmarried and pregnant if we had a choice. I heard Bill O'Reilly say it was OK because the family was able to financially support the child. What a flip flop against Republican principles. People make mistakes even when they are poor. It is said that her husband is a long time member of the anti-American organization Alaskan Independence Party. Now the party has played down his participation, but the truth will come out, This is the world stage. I must admit that this is not as bad as Obama being a radical Muslim and Michelle being a radical Black Panther. Sara Palin is now under investigation for abuse of power. This dose not speak well about the vetting process. Only time will tell, but why select Sara Palin? They say she has more executive experience than Obama and Biden combined. Americans are smarter than that. Obama was president of the Harvard Law review, has 12 years of legislative experience, two years in the Senate writing bills and supporting real law that will have world wide impact. He also stood up against the power that be and did not support the war. Since college he has been working and living what he is still preaching today and will like to make it happen on a large scale if given the chance. Sara Palin seems to be a great person but running a small town into the ground and almost two years as governor of the least populous state in the union may not compare. Out of all of the possible candidates why Sara Palin? Is it because she is a woman? American women are too smart for that. They do not want undeserved affirmative action, they just want their fair share. When she is attacked (and she will be) you can not claim some sort of anti-feminist motive. Women do not hold that crazy team mentality that men do and will see the attacks on Clinton's pant suits, fat ankles and shrill voice one in the same as any attack on Sara Palin . Their feelings will cross party lines and the sisterhood will not be used for political purposes. World leaders will not take it easy on her. As VP she would have to lead the Senate. With her wealth of experience she will have to also debate Joe Biden on world issues, this should interesting. Worst yet she will have to step on to the world stage and deal with reporters that will ask real questions with no experience in her new found fish bowl. This will be brutal. Why would McCain do this to this woman? This fish bowl will include her daughter and why would she do that? Believe it or not I wish her luck because the American people deserve the best and a 72 year old man that has survived recurring skin cancer four times needs a great VP.