Friday, December 26, 2008


I do not believe in violence but I would rather see people fighting than shooting each other. It would have been nice to see George W Bush and Saadam Hussien duke it out.

Thursday, December 04, 2008

The Oldest Stash of Marijuana Found

Researchers found a 2,700 year old stash of weed in China. It was found in a tomb buried with a Shaman. Researchers determined that is was used as a psychoactive drug rather than as fiber for food or clothing because it was found in a bowl inside of a leather pouch (They also found WalMarts best sold water bong). They believe it was to be for the Shaman's use in the afterlife.

The article also states the 18 researchers tested the 2lbs of marijuana for it's potency and THC levels. How was that done? Is there any weed left? What did they do with the seeds? What is the street value of weed grown from such seeds? More importantly, what would the cool street name for a bag of weed from those seeds? Well, you read the story below for yourself:

2,700-year-old marijuana found in Chinese tomb.

Stash seems to have been intended for buried shaman to use in the afterlife.

Nov 27, 2008 01:23 PM


OTTAWA – Researchers say they have located the world's oldest stash of marijuana, in a tomb in a remote part of China.

The cache of cannabis is about 2,700 years old and was clearly ``cultivated for psychoactive purposes," rather than as fibre for clothing or as food, says a research paper in the Journal of Experimental Botany.

The 789 grams of dried cannabis was buried alongside a light-haired, blue-eyed Caucasian man, likely a shaman of the Gushi culture, near Turpan in northwestern China.

The extremely dry conditions and alkaline soil acted as preservatives, allowing a team of scientists to carefully analyze the stash, which still looked green though it had lost its distinctive odour.

"To our knowledge, these investigations provide the oldest documentation of cannabis as a pharmacologically active agent," says the newly published paper, whose lead author was American neurologist Dr. Ethan B. Russo.

Remnants of cannabis have been found in ancient Egypt and other sites, and the substance has been referred to by authors such as the Greek historian Herodotus. But the tomb stash is the oldest so far that could be thoroughly tested for its properties.

The 18 researchers, most of them based in China, subjected the cannabis to a battery of tests, including carbon dating and genetic analysis. Scientists also tried to germinate 100 of the seeds found in the cache, without success.

The marijuana was found to have a relatively high content of THC, the main active ingredient in cannabis, but the sample was too old to determine a precise percentage.

Researchers also could not determine whether the cannabis was smoked or ingested, as there were no pipes or other clues in the tomb of the shaman, who was about 45 years old.

The large cache was contained in a leather basket and in a wooden bowl, and was likely meant to be used by the shaman in the afterlife.

"This materially is unequivocally cannabis, and no material has previously had this degree of analysis possible," Russo said in an interview from Missoula, Mont.

"It was common practice in burials to provide materials needed for the afterlife. No hemp or seeds were provided for fabric or food. Rather, cannabis as medicine or for visionary purposes was supplied."

The tomb also contained bridles, archery equipment and a harp, confirming the man's high social standing.

Russo is a full-time consultant with GW Pharmaceuticals, which makes Sativex, a cannabis-based medicine approved in Canada for pain linked to multiple sclerosis and cancer.

The company operates a cannabis-testing laboratory at a secret location in southern England to monitor crop quality for producing Sativex, and allowed Russo use of the facility for tests on 11 grams of the tomb cannabis.

Researchers needed about 10 months to cut red tape barring the transfer of the cannabis to England from China, Russo said.

The inter-disciplinary study was published this week by the British-based botany journal, which uses independent reviewers to ensure the accuracy and objectivity of all submitted papers.

The substance has been found in two of the 500 Gushi tombs excavated so far in northwestern China, indicating that cannabis was either restricted for use by a few individuals or was administered as a medicine to others through shamans, Russo said.

"It certainly does indicate that cannabis has been used by man for a variety of purposes for thousands of years."

Russo, who had a neurology practice for 20 years, has previously published studies examining the history of cannabis.

"I hope we can avoid some of the political liabilities of the issue," he said, referring to his latest paper.

The region of China where the tomb is located, Xinjiang, is considered an original source of many cannabis strains worldwide.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Giants Burress Shot in Right Thigh

What the hell is going on here? My neighbor mentioned this to me as I was raking leaves today and I thought it was a joke. Alcohol (or other substances) and stupidity are a deadly combination. For most people this deadly mix is realized at home (sometime in a crowded night club). If it were me I would be still handcuffed to the hospital bed the next day answering questions form NYC police, not refusing access to police at my New Jersey home. Knowing what I know about NYC there must have been about 10 or 15 people laying next to Plaxico Burress on the floor claiming they were also hit by the magic bullet. They would simultaneously be on the phone with their favorite lawyer discussing the future pending case. gotta love the NYC.

I'm a huge Giants fan and I'm wondering how this would affect Plaxico and the team? Will there be criminal charges applied? Most of us cannot legally carry a firearm in NYC let alone fire it in a club. As you can remember Sean "Puffy" Combs was involved in something similar at a club with Jennifer Lopez. The ensuing high speed chase with NYC police woke her ass up and she left the rap world alone after that. Looks like Combs paid a lackey to take the gun charge. I'm even sure you cannot shoot yourself in the leg without taking a mandatory trip to the Nut Hut. What will the league do? I'm sure there are rules against such behavior. What will the Giants do? Plaxico has been anything but a choir boy and has been a bigger problem for them this year. More importantly, will Burress be healthy this year? Well only time will tell. All I can say is GO BIG BLUE GO!

Get The Lowest Prices on Cellular Phones and Service

Wednesday, November 05, 2008


It is a shame that President Elect Barack Obama's Grandmother did not live to see this day. I heard someone say "She voted for him in Heaven and she did not have to wait in line long because there were not any Republicans there".

History was made and I will say I am proud of America today. She has grown and I hope she continues to grow and set examples for the rest of the world. I was very ashamed of McCain supporters for booing the President Elect as McCain graciously addressed him. I hope this hate in America is a thing of the pass and if they want to stay there they will just have to be left behind. No more hate, fear and demonizing of others please. NO MORE IN THE UNITED STATES of AMERICA and sit in church on Sunday.

McCain proves again that he is a decent man. I don't know what happened but McCain took the low road and resorted to gimmicks in his campaign. McCain did not stick to the issues and took bad advice from someone he trusted. Thank you that someone.

I believe that President Elect Obama will use his 100 million people (and growing) organization to help guide him. He got support from the masses and owes no lobbyist or groups anything. I also hope he uses his amazing communication network to get the masses involved and alert us as to who or what gets in the way of us moving this country forward. This should not be difficult as we have witness the technology and communication expertise his organization developed. In this way we the masses can get to work to correct or remove the problem.

There will be a small, vocal and older group that will go out of there way to hold on to hate and fear. As I mentioned earlier if we cannot drag them forward kicking and screaming for the good of us all, we will need to ignore them and leave them behind.

America still needs work because we still define a person that is 50% one race and 50% another as Black. Why is that?

Sunday, November 02, 2008

The World is Laughing at us

Sara Palin was PUNK'd! The walking talking point (Sara Palin) preformed well. It is reported it took a week for her staff to set this call up and they just F'ed up. She sounded more like a groupie than the Vice President of the United States or a slick car salesman that constantly push the paperwork to your side of the table as he shoots you line after line of bullshit.

Saturday, November 01, 2008

Sara . . . . No way . . . . . Not Ready

This has to be a joke . . . . . . . . This is what McCain chose. This is the ultimate in poor judgment; she may have to negotiate with other world leaders on our behalf while McCain is in Haven (or Hell) kicking himself. FUCK THAT SHIT "Please say it ain't so Joe". "You Betcha" and all Presidential lingo.


McCain thinks he is speaking with his fellow prisoners. I hope he gets the help he needs. Some one should have put a stop to this and got this man some help. Please don't let our young veterans got through 40 years in this state of mind. Get them all they need. Please!

Alzheimer's Disease?

This is sad and painful

Friday, October 31, 2008

Plumber Joe - No Show

I don't want to pile on, but damn! McCain just never got on track with his campaign. First he made a poor VP choice which caused him to waste time and resources to get Caribou Barbie up to speed and having her baggage drag the campaign down. He never was able to get an attack to stick to Obama and has constantly changed his message. He put this Plumber into the spot light by invoking him in a national debate and he turns out to be a liar and a fake. Then he embraces the liar and fake because he was too stubborn to back away from a mistake. You would think that this was McCain's first time running for President with such a poor performance. Sadly it looks like Joe will vote against his own best interest because Obama's plans will benefit him and his family the most. Now McCain and his supporter are reduces to making up these worst case scenarios and dreaming them to be true, and using these fantasies to attack Obama. Desperate!

Obama has preformed flawlessly. His message has been on point. He has carried himself with honor and respect. His ground game has been organized, very mobile and may become legendary. Omama's superior organization has kept McCain off balance, frustrated and confused. The video will speak to that. I liked McCain but when he used Bush tactics and jumped in the gutter it just turned me off because I thought "here we go again". This was not a good tactic for McCain because he is a much more honorable man the Bush could ever be and looked uncomfortable with this.

I still believe that is will be difficult for Obama to will given the history of the United States. Some say the Bradley Effect may flip the results. A new term may be born from this election, the Obama Effect! This will result in people saying they will support the more traditional candidate because of perceive pressure form society and peers. This support will become non-existent when this voter enters the boot because in their heart and pocketbook they know the less traditional candidate is better for them and the country. Will we see an Obama Effect land slide?

Do you have your own world-wide-web yet?

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Sara Palin the SOCIALIST

In recent days, Gov. Sarah Palin (R-AK), has begun referring to Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL) as “Barack the Wealth Spreader,” referring to his proposed tax plan that would provide greater tax relief for lower income individuals than those with higher incomes. Obama recently explained his support for progressive taxation, saying, “I think when you spread the wealth around, it’s good for everybody.”

Palin contends that Obama’s characterization of his tax plan revealed him to be a “socialist” who wants to “redistribute” American wealth. Palin argues that the Obama tax plan “discourages productivity,” will “punish hardwork,” and will “stifle the entrepreneurial spirit.”

Conservatives in the media have echoed Palin’s sentiments, insinuating that Obama is a “Marxist” and referring to his tax plan as “welfare.”

But Palin’s criticisms of Obama’s “spread the wealth” remarks are ironic, as she recently characterized Alaska’s tax code in a very similar way. Just last month, in an interview with Philip Gourevitch of the New Yorker, Palin explained the windfall profits tax that she imposed on the oil industry in Alaska as a mechanism for ensuring that Alaskans “share in the wealth” generated by oil companies:

And Alaska—we’re set up, unlike other states in the union, where it’s collectively Alaskans own the resources. So we share in the wealth when the development of these resources occurs. … It’s to maximize benefits for Alaskans, not an individual company, not some multinational somewhere, but for Alaskans.

In fact, Alaska’s Clear and Equitable Share (ACES) program, which manages the redistribution of oil wealth in Alaska, brings in so much money that the state needs no income or sales tax. In addition, this year ACES will provide every Alaskan with a check for an estimated $3,200.

As Hendrick Hertzberg notes, “Perhaps there is some meaningful distinction between spreading the wealth and sharing it…but finding it would require the analytic skills of Karl the Marxist.”

Taken from Think

I find it strange most people that are complaining about Obama's tax plan are worried about it taking part of their wealth and giving it to someone else. Most of these people have no hope of ever earning $250,000 a year (as 98% of small businesses do not) and quiet frankly have no wealth at all to lose. The only wealth most of these people had was in their homes or 401K earnings and this puts most of them in the red.

The people fueling this backlash are the wealthy that did not include you in sharing the wealth as they raked in Billions, but forced you to share the pain in the form of a Trillion Dollar Wall Street bailout. Don't help them rob you again by parroting their talking points.

Americans must be suffering from mass hypnosis to not only vote against her own best interest, but fight long and hard destroy herself. I'm embarrassed as the world views in disbelief.

Sunday, October 26, 2008


Alaska's top newspaper endorsed Democrat Barack Obama for the White House, saying it would be too risky to put their Republican state governor Sarah Palin just "one 72-year-old heartbeat from the leadership of the free world".

The Anchorage Daily News, the leading daily in the overwhelmingly Republican state, called Palin's vice-presidential nomination "an improbable and highly memorable event" and added that "many Alaskans are proud to see their governor, and their state, so prominent on the national stage".

Nevertheless, the newspaper editorial deemed her not yet ready to serve in the White House, and saying the hometown boosterism "does not overwhelm all other judgment".

The paper was even more scathing in its assessment of the top of the Republican ticket.

"Our sober view is that her running mate, Senator John McCain , is the wrong choice for president at this critical time for our nation," the daily wrote.

" Senator Barack Obama , the Democratic nominee, brings far more promise to the office," the Anchorage Daily News said.

"In a time of grave economic crisis, he displays thoughtful analysis, enlists wise counsel and operates with a cool, steady hand. The same cannot be said of Senator McCain ."

Particularly on the top campaign issue - the faltering US economy - the newspaper said McCain "has stumbled and fumbled badly in dealing with the accelerating crisis as it emerged".

"His behaviour in this crisis - erratic is a kind description - shows him to be ill-equipped to lead the essential effort of reining in a runaway financial system and setting an anxious nation on course to economic recovery."

The news came as Palin announced she will forgo the expensive outfits purchased by the Republican Party for her campaign appearances, and from now on will appear on the stump wearing her own Alaska-bought clothes.

Palin stressed to throngs of supporters at a campaign stop in Tampa, Florida that she was wearing her own jacket, pointing to her blazer, and said she would eschew clothing that wasn't hers, following a campaign kerfuffle over high-priced garb purchased by the campaign for her public outings.

"Those clothes are not my property, just like the lighting and the staging and everything else the RNC ( Republican National Committee ) purchased," said Palin.

"I'm not taking them with me. I'm back to wearing my own clothes from my favourite consignment shop in Anchorage, Alaska," she said, adding that she initially had hoped to "ignore this wardrobe thing", but instead has decided to address it head on.

Meanwhile, the McCain campaign received the good news that his home state newspaper this weekend gave the Arizona senator its backing.

"We have seen the irascible McCain. The bawdy and irreverent McCain. And, yes, the temperamental McCain," the Arizona Republic wrote.

"Nobody in the country knows the Republican presidential candidate better than we do. And no one is better placed to judge whether he would serve honourably and admirably as president of the United States.

"We are confident he will. The Arizona Republic proudly recommends John McCain for president."

FOX News - Lies Again

FOX News has been playing edited versions of this interview and suggest that Joe Biden did not answer the questions. He seem to believe that some of the questions were ridiculous. As you can clearly see, Joe Biden answered all of her biased questions, but also kicked her butt. It is sad that FOX News takes advantage of the uninitiated to mislead them to contribute to America's doom. The Republican policies should be able to stand on it's own not propped up by lies. Some spin is acceptable but out right lies and parlor tricks are down right destructive. Americans are smarter than FOX News gives them credit for and this shows in the polls. People, we live in the Internet age and should check all so called facts for ourselves. When you regular FOX News viewers see the edited clips from this interview remember that you have seen the truth and view FOX News in it's appropriate light. For those who do not view FOX News regularly hold your nose and check it out, then feel very ashamed of what is considered news in the United States. FOX News is also reporting the long lines and long wait for early voting. FOX News reports seems to be frowning on early voting. Go figure!

Friday, October 17, 2008

Joe the Plumber - INSANE?

Some how the Republican party have convinced people that one day they will be rich and that they should vote against their best interest today to prepare. This is crazy and Joe the Plumber is a perfect example of this craziness. Joe told Obama many lies in less than 30 sec. If Joe the Plumber ever woke up from his dream he would realize that all of the things he told Obama that was important to him Obama's plan would better serve him, but he will no doubt vote against his own best interest. How could this be?

Joe is in a fantasy world. Joe the Plumber lied to Obama and said “I’m getting ready to buy a company that makes $250,000 to $280,000 a year,” “Your new tax plan is going to tax me more, isn’t it?” According to some tax analysts, if Mr. Wurzelbacher’s gross receipts from his business is $250,000 — and not his taxable income — then he would not have to pay higher taxes under Mr. Obama’s plan, and probably would be eligible for a tax cut. Also the business he currently works at only grossed about $100K last year and will get a tax cut with Obama's plan and this benefits Joe the Plumber and the business owner. Joe the Plumber has a lot to learn about business.

Joe the Plumber is a lier and lies to himself to believe that McCains tax plan would be better for him. “All contractors are licensed, and he does not have a license, either as a contractor or a plumber,” the union official said, citing a search of government records. “I can’t find that he’s ever even applied for any kind of apprenticeship, and he has never belonged to local 189 in Columbus, which is what he claims on his Facebook page.” Joe the Plumber needs to become more motivated, get a license and begin an apprenticeship program before he should buy a plumbing business. Joe the Plumber only earned about $40K last year. I'm no business Guru but I would think he would have to earn more than that to buy a business worth $250K.

According to public records, Mr. Wurzelbacher has been subject to two liens, each over $1,000, one of which — a personal tax lien — is still outstanding. This leads me to believe that Joe the Plumber is not really worried about paying taxes

“We have his named spelled W-O, instead of W-U,” Linda Howe, executive director of the Lucas County Board of Elections, said in a telephone interview. “Handwriting is sometimes hard to read. He has never corrected it in his registration card.” It would be ironic if Joe the Plumber would be purged for the voter roles because of this. Joe would have to live in an area that is likely to vote for Obama for that to happen.

Why would someone vote against their own best interest? Even more disturbing, why would someone create a fantasy that would justify voting againt their own best interest? Everyone please wake up and be honest with yourself. Most of you are like Joe and do not have the means, motivation or the intelligence to become rich. The Republicans have nothing to offer you. Live your normal life and be happy. Joe the Plumber is INSANE!

Do you have your own world-wide-web yet?

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

KIMBO SLICE - Is He a Bum?

Kimo Slice got knocked out in 14 punches recently. Kimbo was the You Tube street fighting sensation. He has been recently marked as the next Mixed Martial Arts sensation. Some how his second fight was a highly promoted main event by CBS. I am a MMA fan and it was easy to see that this guy lacks the skills to even be awarded an MMA contract let alone be promoted as an main event. The has the look of a fighter, but fighting at that level requires advanced skills that he lacks. Kimbo was knock on his ass by a replacement fill in fighter with only 14 punches thrown. When you look at his picture your first thought is "I would not want to run into this guy in a dark alley". Getting knocked out in that manner makes me wonder if you were to scroll down on this picture he would be wearing a pink mini skirt. As I'm LOLing I do realize that I would only say that while hiding behind my computer (I could take him if I had to). Because this guy looks like he comes for central casting and the blood thirsty nature of human beings we will see Kimbo again and again and again. KIMBO SLICE vs MIKE TYSON?

Thursday, October 02, 2008

The Giant Talking Point

If you liked Palin before the debate you love her now. I you did not like Palin before the debate you were cleaning up vomit off of the floor afterwards. With what she had to work with she did very well. We had very low standards for her and she did not fall on her face. The problem is she took no chances. SHE WAS ONE BIG TALKING POINT OVER AND OVER AGAIN. She did not answer many questions. She change the topic on questions that she could not answer and began to talk about energy and taxes OVER AND OVER AGAIN. She made small mistakes on a few facts and could not speak to details. The media will point out the factual mistakes (Who the hell is General McCullen?). She just spoke in generalities. This sounds like the Bush administration, more of the same all over again.

What Palin did do well was trying to distance McCain form Bush and this was a good strategy. Palin did well but the bull crap was spread thick and the fact it was bull crap will not make anyone change sides. It would have been a home run if she got off the TALKIN POINTS and answered a few questions without the TALKING POINTS, but then she may have fallen on her face. There were times I am sure she did not even hear the question before she began the TALKING POINTS. I must correct myself and state the Sara Palin did not end her career in this debate. Did you guys know John McCain was a war hero? McCain the ball in your court and it is time to play catch up.

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Palin - Please Don't Do It!

Please do not go forward with this debate. Spouting endless talking points will not cut it on this stage. Please do not end your career and become the joke of the world with your possible stumbling performance. Tina Fay dose not need the money and if you do this she will work forever. Please do not embarrass women all over America who deserve a real candidate. What is the world thinking about the mighty United States of America when she is willing to play political games and roll the dice when it comes to her leadership? I hope to wake up from this nightmare because this can not be happening. Please don't let McCain do this to you Sara. I'm sure there is a family crisis that you would rather tend to that will not allow you the ability to continue this joke.

America, we have already supported our party's poor choices for President and look at the state of America as of 10/1/08. We had eight years with the Village Idiot in the White House and now the country has her hat in hand begging for welfare in the form of a bail out. In eight years we went from a balance budget and surpluses to record debt. The Statue of Liberty is on a 24 hour hoe stroll. She is on the world stage bent over with her dress over her head working off our debt. America please don't do this to the United States again.

Friday, September 26, 2008

McCain Wins

John McCain wins the first debate! As I said before, Obama is not a great debater. I do not see why McCain played so much politics the week leading to this debate. McCain was able to control the debate an suck Obama in to his stronger area of topics. Obama agreed with McCain too much, as if he were in a trance. This is where I disagree with America because I can acknowledge when a candidate that I disagree with dose well. This debate is filled with favorable campaign ads for McCain. Obama should have hammered McCain on the economy, support for Veterans, boarder security and much more. McCain was successful on hammering his view on Obama's tax policy and command of foreign policy. I would feel dirty if I did not say that I believe that John McCain would be bad for the country, but I also must say again he did a great job. Obama had an endless arsenal with the last 8 years of Republican rule, the war, scandal and the economy, but did not pull the trigger. I must also say that Obama's performance was more cerebral and may resonate more in days to come and benefit him later. Unfortunately they both came off like politicians, but one looks much more believable and I will leave it there. Now get ready for the spin on both sides.

John McCain - COWARD?

I believe that McCain is a coward and is avoiding a debate with Obama. "Country first" is a load of crap. McCain is one of one hundred Senators and will have no positive affect on the bail out (welfare) negotiations. You can not repair 26 years of poor decision making in one day. If McCain is not a coward he is falling on the sword for his poor VP selection. If the Presidential debate is postponed or cancelled Sara Palin will not have to debate and she will be able to drop the shovel and the hole she has been digging will not get any deeper. Wow, I am sure McCain wish he could get a do over on that pick. It is just going to get worst as time goes on. You just can not thrust someone on to the world stage that way. That was just cruel and is painful to watch. McCain will have to pay for the years of therapy I will need after watching this one. This nonsense about the town hall debates that Obama turned down is a joke. Obama draws tens of thousands to his events and McCain draws tens to events. Why would Obama debate town hall style and make McCain look good by drawing these large numbers and not discuss the facts. I saw one McCain event where most of the twenty people that where there had Obama shirts on and it turned into a Obama rally. If McCain were elected would he run and hide from other world leaders? Is a Maverick a type of chicken? If McCain is a no show Obama will have a few hours of air time that McCain can not afford to give up. Come on McCain, you are better than that. Obama is not a good debater so show up Popeye and get in there and fight.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Stay of execution angers slain cop's family

Troy Antony Davis gets a stay of execution. I find this case fascinating. It looks like almost 20yrs ago Davis intervened in the beating of an older woman. When the police arrived an officer was shot and killed. It is also said that later the person that attacked the woman was seen riding around with the police looking for the shooter. I found some statements from the Davis web site disturbing. I realize that these statements could be biased but it they are true this case becomes scary:

"Shortly after Davis landed on death row, the Georgia Resource Center - which defended death row inmates - took a huge hit in funding at a crucial time for his case. He had no attorney and couldn't depend on the state to help him out.

As witnesses began to recant, there was no one to take their new testimony down.

After all the new information emerged, the courts told Davis there was nothing he could do.

Evidence of police coercion had not been raised during the original trial so his petition to introduce new evidence was denied by a state court.

The state Supreme Court and 11th Circuit Federal Court of Appeals concurred with the lower court's decision, and the U.S. Supreme Court refused to hear Davis' case.

How an innocent man could still be executed because of a legal
technicality is beyond my comprehension.

It defies logic and any concept of fairness and justice."

What's wrong with the legal system? Either way both families have suffered needlessly for close to 20yrs with no end in site. I will spend some time looking into this one and I suggest you do the same.

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

16 US troops commit suicide in Iraq

Below is the story released by Press TV. Press TV looks to be an Iranian news organization. This story lacks creativity and not to mention any facts that would hint to it being remotely true. Why would Iran's leaders allow this news organization to poke the 800lb gorilla on steroids with a sharp stick? Drop the stick, walk away and don't look it in the eye.

Mon, 08 Sep, 2008 12:48:50 GMT

Sixteen US troops from the a unit of the Airborne Division have committed suicide inside a military base in Iraq, security sources say.

Iraqi security sources have revealed that 21 US troops had committed suicide inside a former Iraqi air force base 27 days ago, Fars News Agency reported on Monday.

According to the sources, the 21 troops were treated in a hospital but only five soldiers have survived and they are in a critical condition. Security officials said they used potent narcotics to kill themselves.

The troops' motivations for suicide are not known but according to Iraqi sources the servicemen belonged to a unit of the US Airborne Division that was behind the massacre of several Iraqi families-- mostly women and children-- in northern Baghdad, said Ali al-Baghdadi an Iraqi security official.

The suicides took place in the soldiers' dormitory after the dinner time.
"The bodies of the US troops became misshapen such a way that they looked like 5000-year mummies," said a witness.

According to Iraqi officials' estimates, some 600 US troops, including senior officers, have committed suicide in Iraq since the invasion of the country in 2003. Half of the suicide attempts have been successful.


Wednesday, September 03, 2008

McCain - Crazy Like a Fox?

Looking at McCain's VP pick I would have to say he is just crazy. I believed he had the presidential election won. Why did he choose Sara Palin? Don't get me wrong I also believe McCain is the worst choice, but there are a few characteristics about the American culture that makes it unlikely that Obama would win. For some reason both parties served up their weakest candidates. I believe that Obama and Clinton are great VP candidates but they have too many negatives to win this presidential election. My feelings on McCain are even worst. Americans deserve better than these two. Now this Sara Palin disaster is a time bomb that is waiting to happen. The negatives are too many and they are still coming. Let's look at the negatives as of today. She was a Mayor of a town of 5700 people. There are some High School Principles that manage more people. The town had a surplus her fist day of office and on her last day there was a deficit of 20 million dollars. She ran against her mother-in law at one point and her best friend eventually became mayor. What type of one horse town is this? I think I just found a place to retire. Her family problems should be off of the table, but when they conflict with her record some feel they should be back in play politically. Her 17yr old daughter being pregnant speaks to her support of abstinence only education, morality and abortion. The fact that her daughter and the child's father are getting married is a great thing, but marriage at that age can be difficult. Sara Palin was also pregnant when she got married and it all seemed to work well for her. I believe these type of personal problems should have nothing to do will your suitability for higher office, but when you openly support the opposite behaviors it leaves the door cracked open. It is good to see that these type of problems don't only happen in the hood or trailer parks as some would have you believe. We would all admit that we would not like to have a daughter unmarried and pregnant if we had a choice. I heard Bill O'Reilly say it was OK because the family was able to financially support the child. What a flip flop against Republican principles. People make mistakes even when they are poor. It is said that her husband is a long time member of the anti-American organization Alaskan Independence Party. Now the party has played down his participation, but the truth will come out, This is the world stage. I must admit that this is not as bad as Obama being a radical Muslim and Michelle being a radical Black Panther. Sara Palin is now under investigation for abuse of power. This dose not speak well about the vetting process. Only time will tell, but why select Sara Palin? They say she has more executive experience than Obama and Biden combined. Americans are smarter than that. Obama was president of the Harvard Law review, has 12 years of legislative experience, two years in the Senate writing bills and supporting real law that will have world wide impact. He also stood up against the power that be and did not support the war. Since college he has been working and living what he is still preaching today and will like to make it happen on a large scale if given the chance. Sara Palin seems to be a great person but running a small town into the ground and almost two years as governor of the least populous state in the union may not compare. Out of all of the possible candidates why Sara Palin? Is it because she is a woman? American women are too smart for that. They do not want undeserved affirmative action, they just want their fair share. When she is attacked (and she will be) you can not claim some sort of anti-feminist motive. Women do not hold that crazy team mentality that men do and will see the attacks on Clinton's pant suits, fat ankles and shrill voice one in the same as any attack on Sara Palin . Their feelings will cross party lines and the sisterhood will not be used for political purposes. World leaders will not take it easy on her. As VP she would have to lead the Senate. With her wealth of experience she will have to also debate Joe Biden on world issues, this should interesting. Worst yet she will have to step on to the world stage and deal with reporters that will ask real questions with no experience in her new found fish bowl. This will be brutal. Why would McCain do this to this woman? This fish bowl will include her daughter and why would she do that? Believe it or not I wish her luck because the American people deserve the best and a 72 year old man that has survived recurring skin cancer four times needs a great VP.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

FOX NEWS - Drops the ball

I would have hated to have been a commentator for FOX NEWS this week of the Democratic Convention. They looked very uncomfortable as they tried to push politics rather than news. Politics aside the Democratic Convention displayed great American stories and beliefs. The FOX NEWS commentators had a very hard time spinning these stories and beliefs to the point of stumbling, some dead air and uncomfortably repeating the same old talking points. We all know that all political conventions are staged and this Democratic Convention was done so beautifully. It was a mistake for FOX NEWS to try to push the Republican talking points at this time. They made have violated one of the first rules of successful combat. Never battle on the field of the enemy's choosing. The FOX MEWS commentators were reduced to repeating the phrase "I know your are, but what am I?". Sad! FOX NEWS would have been better served by dropping the Pom Poms and becoming a real news organization for a change. That may be too much to ask for, but one day it may happen. Are there any real main stream news organizations out there anymore? I'm serious! Most news organizations are either opinion and commentary soap operas or Paris Hilton talking head shows. I remember the days when the news was the news. Someone came on and told you what was going on and it was done in order of real importance. No commentary, Paris Hilton and Brittney Spears would have never made the evening news unless they killed someone. News was a public service and the news organizations were never expected to make a profit. I won't rant anymore, but you get the point. Now that the Republican Convention is next week and I would be surprised if the coverage is as disgusting as FOX NEWS coverage of the Democratic Convention. I'm biased but fair so if it is please come back and keep me honest. One day FOX NEWS will get off of it's knees, discard the knee pads and stop giving the Republican party the endless Lewinsky. When that day comes they may become a real news organization. NOT!

Monday, August 11, 2008

Get The Body You Desire

We have teamed up with Veriuni to offer amazing products. Lose weight and stay healthy with our liquid health products. Don't choke down giant size, unhealthy chalk pills. Liquid is the way to go. We offer liquid coffee and tea concentrates, you must try these. Let us train you online so you can get that great body you know you want. Our fitness products are second to done. You can not stay healthy using toxic cleaning products, so take a look at our all natural products. All of the products offered are highly concentrated and offers much more than our competitors. You will not have to reorder as much and shipping cost will be lower because you will just add water and go.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

NYC vs The Middle East - Pillow Fight

One bout, 24 hr time limit, winner take all. God Bless us all. Save money and lives!

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Family Secret: Baby's Daddy is Also Her Grand Daddy

"We're normal intellectual adults who have had careers, have had a normal life like everybody else but fallen in love with each other when we are biologically related."
Tuesday, April 8, 2008

VIDEO: Family reveals dark secret

An Australian man and his adult daughter have gone public about their relationship after having a baby together.

John Deaves, 61, and his daughter Jenny, 39, have a nine-month old daughter but have been banned from having sex after a court convicted the pair on two counts of incest, placing them both on a 3-year good behavior bond. Their previous child died a few days after birth.

"We're normal intellectual adults who have had careers, have had a normal life like everybody else but fallen in love with each other when we are biologically related, when we've discovered each other later in life," says daughter and lover Jenny Deaves.

"I class myself as a man who has met a woman and we got romantically involved," says John Deaves.

Sunday, March 02, 2008

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Saturday, February 09, 2008



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Thursday, January 31, 2008

The Superdelegate

We all know that in the primary election it's not how many states you win, it's how many delegates you get. The primary is really about "DELEGATES". How dose the "SUPERDELEGATE" work? Who really picks the Presidential nominee.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Niggers in the White House?

Could this happen at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave one day soon? I hope I'm over reacting and the word that is not stated in this story printed in the Chicago Sun Times is not "Nigger". Well the story is printed below so you can decide.

Mom tells rude cops: 'His name is not boy'

January 13, 2008
BY MARY MITCHELL Sun-Times Columnist
Dear Supt. Weis: I'm still not sure you grasp the level of frustration that exists among some black residents in Chicago. So here is an example of the kind of calls I get from African Americans on a regular basis.

LaWanda Jordan is a black single mother of four who lives in a neighborhood near Midway Airport. There are only two black families on the block in a community that is predominantly Hispanic and white.

On Dec. 11, Jordan was shaken awake about midnight when police officers showed up at her apartment building looking for a young black male.
'Do you have n - - - - - - in the building?'

"Do you have a black family in the building? Do you have n - - - - - - in the building?" one white police officer allegedly asked the landlord, who lives on the first floor.
Jordan said she ran to her door and put her hand on the top of the chain and her foot against the door.

"What is this concerning?" Jordan asked.

"We need to talk to him NOW. You don't ask the damn questions, you just answer the questions," he allegedly replied.

Apparently, 12 police officers and two detectives were investigating a shooting that occurred 35 blocks from where Jordan lives.

Although her son Paul Turner had been home all evening, Jordan said she sent her daughter to her son's bedroom to wake him up. He came to the door in his boxer shorts. When the teen told police he had been home all night, an officer allegedly said: "Don't get cute with me, boy."
"I told him his name is not boy," Jordan said.

None of the officers was black, Jordan told me. One of the cops allegedly put his foot about three feet over the threshold of her door.

"You don't have a warrant," Jordan, a mortgage collector, told the officer. At that, an officer allegedly told another officer: "I will pull this black b - - - - down the stairs."
"You'll do what?" Jordan said she asked the officer.

As it turns out, an unidentified witness whom the officers brought to Jordan's door to identify her son told police that he was not the person they were looking for and, in fact, police should have been looking for an adult male.
"There were nearly 15 police officers in my hallway trying to railroad my son, being belligerent, calling me out of my name, using racial slurs and trying to accuse him of a violent crime," Jordan told me.

"They used intimidation and scare tactics," she said. "I feel my civil rights were violated."
After the officers abruptly left, Jordan said, she followed them to the street and asked some of them for their names and badge numbers.

"They covered up their badges and name tags," she said, adding that a female officer ignored her and jumped into a squad car and drove off.

The next day, Jordan filed a report with the city's new Independent Police Review Authority.
Jordan suspects that her 14-year-old son had been targeted by one of the Hispanic officers who had once confronted him in a mix-up over a bike. She now worries that her two sons -- one a 19-year-old college student -- will be harassed by police.

Waiting for police review
Although her story was recently profiled on the front page of the Chicago Defender, nothing has yet been done to address the cops' behavior. She was contacted by an investigator with the authority, but still has not had an interview. She said an investigator assigned to her case told her she didn't work weekends. "My children are at school between 8 and 3 p.m., and I am at work. Looks like to me, the investigator could have come in on a Saturday or have given the case to someone else."

Ilana Rosenzweig, head of the the authority, said there was an apparent miscommunication.
"All of our investigators work shifts that have them working a weekend rotating schedules" she said. She also conceded that "it has been difficult to get the resources to do interviews in the field."

"We want to give this investigation as timely attention as we can, and that is always our goal," she said.

Meanwhile, the accused police officers are still on the street.
So you see, Supt. Weis, it is not just the questionable police shootings and allegations of blatant police brutality that have created a culture of distrust among some of the city's citizens.
It is also the large doses of disrespect that some of those citizens are forced to swallow.

Wishing you the best,
Mary Mitchell

The Link To The Story

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Get SOLAR Energy for your HOME

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Let me summarize:

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2) The installation is FREE.

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