I have been discussing my disappointment with this Bush administration with my co-worker for years. I was not very disappointed when Al Gore was not selected to become president. I listened to the right wing all through the Clinton presidency and they talked a good game so I said what the hell give them a try. Well HELL is what it is. I rant to this co-worked daily. I constantly discuss the Bushco’s cast of liars person by person and their possible motives. He laughs and ask question. On July 11 I explained how Karl Rove saw former U.S. Ambassador Joseph Wilson as get in the way of the Bushco money grab in Iraq and how Rove had his wife (CIA Agent) outted to the press. With out getting deep into that issue we also had a good chuckle about how just before being put into Jail how Robert Novak and others in the 11th hour some how got permission to name their sources for this information. Believe it or not on July 13th this same co-worker walks into the office and asked "Who is Karl Rove?" "Do you know anything about him?" "I have never heard of him?” I was in SHOCK! How can you work with me and not have heard of Karl Rove? I may even talk about the whole Bush administration in my sleep (that may not be normal). Don't get me wrong I don't dislike Rove or anyone in the Bush administration I just disagree with them. I don't even believe they are evil I just believe that they are more concerned about getting what they believe is theirs (The Loot). I have always said that if George W Bush was born poor he would have grown up to be the rap star EMINEN but surly not as clever with the words. The bottom line is that if Karl Rove lied to punish former U.S. Ambassador Joseph Wilson for his opposition to the Bushco un-holy plans, what else he has done. The one act alone is treason and you know the punishment for that. This was a pre-cursor for that lie in Iraq where we lose great people daily who just followed orders and thought they were defending our country. Sorry to say like my co-worker the American people just don't pay attention or they just repeat what someone else told them. As we speak oil pumps out of Iraq un-metered and shipped off to destination unknown. Hell I give up! I want to be rich too, if you can't beat them join them. I'm now down with the program and will soon be getting rich off the blood and sweat of you American losers! Bush is cool he promised a Katrillon dollars (or something close) for African aide in his first administration and some more in his current administration but I can't find where a dime has been given. The truly hilarious thing is that Mr. Bush said at a news conference recently that he would be willing to aid the African countries but he would not be willing to aid CORRUPT ADMINISTRATION. I almost fainted. Now isn’t that the Pot calling the Kettle, hell you know the rest. "STUPID AMERICANS"