Sunday, May 29, 2005
The United States - Total Enslavement?
Friday, May 27, 2005
Wednesday, May 25, 2005
Which PDA is BEST !
This maybe the winner!
Thursday, May 19, 2005
Tuesday, May 17, 2005
OIL for FOOD - (Everyone Got Paid)
This is classic. Everyone got in bed with the Devil and got paid. Is Mr. George Galloway the last man on earth with a pair? After seeing his testimony I had to undo the old belt and check for myself. The sad part is that the American people will stay in denial and not hear what he said. We will destroy the whole country before we will simply say I was wrong and our government may be overrun with corruption. There are slimy pieces of crap in our government that count on that and profit from it. This time is some what different because we are killing ten's of thousand and may have tens of thousands of our great young people killed and injured to make a buck for people who have more than they could even need. This is un-American on so many levels. Are we really that vain that we will turn a blind eye and be felt up and raped? Then pretend it never happened just so that we will not have to say we may have put our trust in a few bad apples. I'm finishing a book on the life and time of Alexander Hamilton (That's not the title) and in his time those who so blatantly robbed, stole and killed would be taken out back and shot! That's not the correct action for this day and time but the spirit is correct. We seem to be a Nation of Hippo -Christians and Sheeple. Click the link and then go run and hide...... and the land of the (at one time) BRAVE!
Thursday, May 05, 2005
No DELAY - On DeLAY !!!
Take a stand on DeLAY !!!