Friday, October 29, 2004

Lies and more Lies

Fri Oct 29, 9:48 AM ET

The original photograph shows a sea of soldiers sitting behind the president as he stands at a podium just left of the center of the frame. Bush was speaking at Fort Drum in New York on July 19, 2002. (AP Graphic)

Wednesday, October 27, 2004


Come on people let's be real. If we plan on staying in the Middle East we will need a military draft. The President is a liar! Our troops will be picked off more efficiently if their numbers aren't brought up. Let's do the numbers. We have 16,000 troops on the ground in Afghanistan. These troops live in very small pockets in the country. Warlords still control most to the country and Bin-laden makes his home there. I picture our troops in groups filled with uncertainty much like the Gazelle on the African plains on the look out for lions. That's not the way the Greatest Fighting Force to ever walk the earth should behave. We have less than 40,000 troops on the ground in Iraq. We control a lager portion of the country and we have loses everyday. We are even attacked in our own Green Zones. I don't believe we have any green zones left at this time. That's not the way the Greatest Fighting Force to ever walk the earth should behave. New York city has 40,000 Police officers on duty and in control of the entire city. New York is not a War Zone (Some will disagree) and Iraq dwafts it in size. There are no (Active) insurgents in NYC and the weaponry is non-existent. How in the hell can we control Iraq or win the war on terror with out a draft. Oh yea I forgot we are training the Iraqi’s to control the terrorist and the country. Hello, when we train and arm the Iraqi people, we are training and arming the insurgents. They are one and the same. Those weapons and training will be used against our troops. This has happened over and over again. History has proven this fact. It's Ironic that over the past 50yrs our troops have been killed by troops and weapons brought and paid for by the United States government and U.S. business. This has been a huge windfall for the businesses that play the game. It feels great for my tax dollars to pay for the weapons and training today that will kill our troops tomorrow. You ask for the solution? Here's the solution. I must say I hate the war in Iraq, I feel it is illegal and unjust. War should not be for profit. We should not be feeding people in the day and killing these same people at night. War should be fought to win. When we commit troops I feel they should be given a chance to win. The enemy should be crushed and brought to their knees and the land be made the 51st and the 52nd States. If we are not willing to do this we should not commit troops. I would not have sent troops to illegally invade Iraq. I would have committed them to terrorist states and terrorist. I would have loved to vacation in the new state of Saudi Arabia. Instead we have highly trained troops getting their body parts blown all over the streets in Iraq. These are fighters not crossing guards; it’s a great insult for a Special force soldier to die this way. Really people ask yourself, how long will the first Mc Donald’s, Wal-Mart or Sears be left standing in Iraq? Would you work there? Would you insure those businesses? WE CAN”T REBUILD THERE! PERIOD!

Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Condoleezza's Work Release Program

Condoleezza Rice looked very uncomfortable in the hot seat in front of the 911 Commission. She looked as if the current administration was attempting to throw her under the bus. She laid low for sometime afterwards. Now Condoleeza is back and on the stump for Bush. I must jump on the bandwagon on this one. A sitting National Security Advisor should not be campaigning for the current President of the United States. Especially if she really dose not want to do it. Remember the bus earlier. She should be doing her job. Remember “THE TERROIST” or did the administration call a “TIME OUT” and everyone ran back to base. What the hell is this? By the way, Where is Colin Powell ? The Dems are not much better. I guess you can say the two Sen. have been neglecting their duties also. They all throw us a line and we the American people fall for it if he’s our guy. This administration has also used the military shamelessly for photo ops. Remember the staged boxes in a warehouse with “Made In The USA” freshly painted on them , the fake rubber holiday turkey in Iraq and how could anyone forget the fake aircraft landing with the two socks stuffed in President’s crotch to add to the macho effect. We should call both parties on this crap. We wish to hold democratic elections in these Middle Eastern countries and we are suppressing votes here in the United States. They are watching and they must see the irony. It wasn’t too long ago that Black People gained the right to vote in the United States. There is no way in hell that there was anything close to a fair election in Iraq. It must be terrifying to the Iraqi citizens when the occupying force supports one of the candidates. This is wrong. We must not protect anyone because he is “My Guy”. It is impossible to gain respect from anyone you bow down to and worship. It’s like when people worship at the alter of movie stars, singers and athletes. These people don’t respect their fans. They even begin to believe the bullshit the fans tell them. Our elected officials work for us. We should not bow down to them. They should bow down to us and thank the day that we allow the to represent us. When they don’t do a good job, they should be let go. When they lie they should be called on it. When they break the law they should be put in jail. I hate this war but I also pray that we are in Iraq for the reasons stated by the President. If the President lied or if anyone in that administration misled him they all should be brought up on charges. Not knowing is not a defense. These people should be the best that America has to offer. I didn’t know should not cut it here. People are dying and will be dying for years to come. Remember the world is watching.

Monday, October 25, 2004

Drunken Frat-Boy drives America into a Ditch !

This presidential campaign is outrageous. We allow both sides to publicly alter the truth when it comes to their opponents. We all have examples of this happening so I won’t elaborate. We accept it from our guy because he’s “Our Guy”. When did we become so adversarial, hateful and so damn stupid to allow these feeling to cause us not to act in our own be interest. When Our Guy lies he shows a basic character flaw. When this happens in public and he knows the American public with not call him on it, it puts a mirror in our faces and forces us to take a good look. We will not look at that Jackass in the mirror, we will just stay in denial. He will tell even bigger lies behind closed doors and know that his supporters will protect him. This happens at extreme cost to our own best interest. We behave like a battered wife. We get our ass beat everyday but when a family member makes a comment we defend him. We take kicks, punches and verbal abuse daily but when the police come we lie to protect him. Fuck that shit. When our guy is wrong he is wrong. We are destroying the world just because we have too much pride to say the opponent may be correct this time. No one is always right or wrong. I have a ten-year-old son and the world I will leave him has gone to shit. Let’s put a stop to this and call a liar a lair and not allow intelligent men to alter the truth and play stupid to avoid the fact that they were wrong or caught doing wrong. The world is watching.